yes...it works nice..but i m short in knowledge about this strings. I m so close....i can fell it, but not going through...
All its about bits..the bios has to save the key on some place..Its there..in that string. god knows..in what base or whats the trasnlate to keyboard...but thats the pass. 10 digits.
Have you tried the jumpers to bypass the password - this is "old school" and may no longer work
Bet the jumpers are on the other side of the MoBo do not see them on the photos look for the letters PWD, PSWD, PSWDCLR, CLEAR CMOS, CLEAR, CLR, JCMOS1 or PASSWORD. The jumper is typically located on the edge of the motherboard
To remove the BIOS password, you will need to change the jumper settings.
Most of the ones I have seen are blue in color
first Unplug CMOS battery
If there are 3 pins under the jumper, moving the jumper over one pin will change it. For example if the jumper is covering pins 1 and 2, move it so that it is covering pins 2 & 3. If the jumper is covering pins 2 and 3, reinstall the jumper over pins 1 and 2.
If there are only 2 pins under the jumper, simply remove the jumper from the pins.
Put the CMOS battery back in and close the case.
Reconnect the power cable and turn on your laptop. The BIOS password should be cleared. After the logon screen appears, turn off your laptop again.
Disconnect the power cable. Press and hold the power button for 10 seconds to release static electricity from the system. Replace the jumper to its original position. Close the case and the computer is ready to be used again.
The other option is to re-flash the BIOS with the correct one
Also on Hiren's Boot CD is KillCMOS - since !Bios 3.20 did not work