Install non-snap Google Chrome/Chromium


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Jul 23, 2020
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Once again, this is my site.

As always, feedback is appreciated.

If you can't tell, I'm not a big fan of snaps.

Nice! I'd not noticed that. This one has directions for both Chrome and Chromium 'cause I didn't feel like making two separate articles. Yes, yes I am that lazy.
Once again, this is my site.

As always, feedback is appreciated.

If you can't tell, I'm not a big fan of snaps.

Thank you very much, I've replaced my Chromium snap! A useful guide for beginners would be how to find such info. Searching doesn't seem to help. I've no idea how you found the repo for Chromium, their project page seems to push you towards building it. No instructions whatsoever for installing, similar on the github page I found.
I probably found it with search. I use the + modifier a lot. "+linux" or "+.deb" or similar.
Do you just live with the "google api keys are missing" message when you load up Chromium or is there a way to disable it? I don't need/want to get actual API keys.
There's no way to get rid of that message on Linux that I'm aware of. It's only there briefly so I don't really care.
To get rid of that message, you need to add the following lines to the .profile file:

export GOOGLE_API_KEY="no"
