I thought I would give an example for any newbies reading this thread,
OMG, more good stuff. And I did the "network commands" and I jumped down the rabbit hole.
the z filter removes sensitive information
a full list can be found by using inxi -h but its the z that filters your results for publications
Yeah, went down the "Full List" "inxi-h" list and tried all the combinations with an without the "z".
I thought... this much information, what happens if I try to write the output to a file (like in Command Prompt) - If it doesn't work, how big of a mess can I make? I didn't hurt anything that I know of but wore out "clear".
It worked! Finally I had explored something that I didn't ask or read. And then I explored what I thought "could" work... piping my terminal commands' output to a file - with complete path - to a folder on my external data drive - HA!
inxt -Fxsz >>/media/mint/(
my external data drive)-01/External.Documents/LinuxCommands/KeepPrivate_2024119a.txt
And the "z" - repalcing IP & MAC with <filter> in the output - Why provide the main information for a Man-in-the-Middle hack - even if it couldn't be used? - till they got on the inside.
Man, its' been since the early '90's and I may not be remembering any of this correctly.
@Brickwizard you helped me take a big step with Terminal. Thanks. Really got carried away for hours. I'm going to bed.