I'm curious. Where is everybody from?

Cockney rhyming slang "wife" who happens to be an Asante from kumasi ( i'm an honary Asante according to Ohene palace )
I gotta research that. I don't know about those cultures. Hey, you think you can help me with my Tor question in the Off Topic section?

White people live in Ghana too?
They're everywhere, don't you know?

@captain-sensible -- nothing beats the seasonal 'Fresh Hop' ambers and IPA's from the Pacific Northwest of the USA!

(Just like some say one cannot beat Guinness as a stout, I'd have to say ABC Stout is slightly better, IMO. But they learned the Irish in Singapore, did they not?)

Where's the Hop Capital of the World? Do you know?

Anyone? It's where I'm from, originally. (And a big reason I no longer drink)
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They're everywhere, don't you know?

@captain-sensible -- nothing beats the seasonal 'Fresh Hop' ambers and IPA's from the Pacific Northwest of the USA!

(Just like some say one cannot beat Guinness as a stout, I'd have to say ABC Stout is slightly better, IMO. But they learned the Irish in Singapore, did they not?)

Where's the Hop Capital of the World? Do you know?

Anyone? It's where I'm from, originally. (And a big reason I no longer drink)
Just an FYI folks - in addition to @Rob 's Off-Topic Rules , I'd draw your attention to the overall forum rules, which thankfully are a lot briefer than the TL;DR efforts I have seen elsewhere


and in particular

You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws. You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.

So no comments or arguments on race, creed (religion), politics, gender, or sexual preference.

Thanks for your adherence to these principles.

Enjoy your Linux, and the Off-Topic Section Rob brought in for us a little over 12 months ago, now.

Chris Turner
@wizardfromoz -- I was only mildly offeded and blew it off, noting a couple of users may be 'in their cups.'
On topic:
Any more guesses on 'The Hops Capital of the World,' a former home of mine?
Give the wiz a schooner!
Specifically, the Yakima Valley.
Everyone needs to use a search engine! (Just needs to read a little deeper -- why I didn't buy him a pitcher -- LOL) DuckDuckGo!
i got rEFInd working from a usb by the way booted both slackware and windows10
at least i learn't this : The name Yakima originates from the Yakama Nation Native American tribe, whose reservation is located south of the city.
I started off from me dad, then I got my life started from me mum.
But I was born outside Kansas City Missouri, about center mass USA wee little town by the name of Holden, Missouri. I now claim residence in the home town of Jason Bourne just south of Bass Pro Shops place of origin.
@Fishy --
. . .
just south of Bass Pro Shops place of origin.
If you'd've referenced Mark Twain, it would have made more sense to this somewhat literate old fart!

@f33dm3bits -- hard to pin down, unless it's everywhere in the Blue Nothing!

@captain-sensible -- correct!
@Fishy -- If you'd've referenced Mark Twain, it would have made more sense to this somewhat literate old fart!

LOL - nah the same road the Bass Pro store sits on I am south of it by around 12 miles.

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