I need a pager for gnome3




I love gnome3.. i do! But.. I can't stand not having a one-click way to switch to other virtual desktops. Is there a way and i'm just missing it?

It's technically one or zero clicks: Windows button then scroll-wheel or click on the extension on the right. ;)

This is probably better though: Install gnome-shell-extension-workspace-indicator, Alt-F2, r, enable "Workspace Indicator Extension" in gnome-tweak-tool. Now you can scroll-wheel over the "Workspace #" applet in the top bar to switch workspaces.

Alternatively, you can pick and choose some extensions from Ron Yorston's Gnome Shell Fripery. He has exactly what you want in there, but it requries enabling a bottom-bar a la Gnome2. :(

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