So my question is this:
Why do people make fun of others with Dissabilities, but they end up being incredibly talented in a particular area.....? I see people who also have some form of Autism, and they often seem to have a particular thing that they're immsensely passionate about..... They call some of us Savants.....
I never actually think of myself as smart, even though my passion for Computers sometimes awes people who know little about them.....
But, people such as Mozart, I believe, may not KNOW a lot about their favorite thing, but, being a Savant, seemed to learn it quite QUICKLY...... Or maybe I'm over-thinking it..... : D Anyway, I want to invent an Free and Open Source Application for Hospitals everywhere that will benefit the WORLD..... :3 When the time comes, and it WILL, it would be cool if my friends here at Linux.org would help me out..... 
Why do people make fun of others with Dissabilities, but they end up being incredibly talented in a particular area.....? I see people who also have some form of Autism, and they often seem to have a particular thing that they're immsensely passionate about..... They call some of us Savants.....