I have Autism, and.....

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So my question is this:

Why do people make fun of others with Dissabilities, but they end up being incredibly talented in a particular area.....? I see people who also have some form of Autism, and they often seem to have a particular thing that they're immsensely passionate about..... They call some of us Savants..... :) I never actually think of myself as smart, even though my passion for Computers sometimes awes people who know little about them..... :) But, people such as Mozart, I believe, may not KNOW a lot about their favorite thing, but, being a Savant, seemed to learn it quite QUICKLY...... Or maybe I'm over-thinking it..... : D Anyway, I want to invent an Free and Open Source Application for Hospitals everywhere that will benefit the WORLD..... :3 When the time comes, and it WILL, it would be cool if my friends here at Linux.org would help me out..... :)

I admire your bravery for sharing. Good luck with your passion.

Thank you..... :) I wanna make an impact on Earth, y'know.....? Since I suck at most other things, why not do it in a way I know HOW.....? Well, I already know how to Love others, but that's something EVERYONE possesses..... :3
My son is 16 and is Autistic. Maybe that is why I have such a soft spot in my heart when I read your posts. You're very passionate and it shows. Not all people who have Autism are savants, but all savants are usually Autistic. You just think differently and we "normal" people try and force you to live in "our" world. That's a challenge, but if someone takes the time to get to know you, they'll be glad they did. ;)
My son is 16 and is Autistic. Maybe that is why I have such a soft spot in my heart when I read your posts. You're very passionate and it shows. Not all people who have Autism are savants, but all savants are usually Autistic. You just think differently and we "normal" people try and force you to live in "our" world. That's a challenge, but if someone takes the time to get to know you, they'll be glad they did. ;)

Aww..... :') Thank you!..... :'3 Is..... Is he good with Computers too.....? :) But..... Not everyone tries to force me into a way of Living..... :D You, for one, aren't..... :3 I just worry that I might never be able to get a job where I don't feel like every day is monotonous, and DEPRESSING..... :( I write articles for Devin here, but that's not a show-up-at-8-A.M. job..... It's voluntary..... :) Some have said I'm lazy, but that's not true..... I've had MULTIPLE jobs before..... :D That's why I want to revolutionize things........ If I can't function in a normal job, why not still make an impact on Earth before I move on to the next plane of existence.....? :) Nothing is worse than an Eternity of remembering a wasted Life..... The Atheistic idea of Death would be more inviting, had I wasted my Life here.......
Find out what you love doing and if there isn't already a job for it, make one! Don't waste your life spending most of it doing what you don't want to (like a monotonous job). Do what you love and you will have a pleasant existence. :)

My son is good with computers, writes very well and his "thing" is dates, he can remember the dates of anything. He's amazing!
So my question is this:

Why do people make fun of others with Dissabilities, but they end up being incredibly talented in a particular area.....? I see people who also have some form of Autism, and they often seem to have a particular thing that they're immsensely passionate about..... They call some of us Savants..... :) I never actually think of myself as smart, even though my passion for Computers sometimes awes people who know little about them..... :) But, people such as Mozart, I believe, may not KNOW a lot about their favorite thing, but, being a Savant, seemed to learn it quite QUICKLY...... Or maybe I'm over-thinking it..... : D Anyway, I want to invent an Free and Open Source Application for Hospitals everywhere that will benefit the WORLD..... :3 When the time comes, and it WILL, it would be cool if my friends here at Linux.org would help me out..... :)
Unfortunately, there are a great many people out there who feel the need to find a put-down type of label for anyone who doesn't quite fit into their idea of "normal":eek:. This makes them feel better than the target of their abuse. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Most of the people who fall into this category have very low self esteem, so they try to bolster it by bullying others. I feel sorry for them. Consider the source, ignore them, and keep your chin up mate, you're doing just fine. Like ChristiW said, Find your niche in life, grab on with both hands, and hold on for the ride of your life. Good luck to you, my friend, GO FOR IT!!:D:D.
I think some people have a fragile ego or slightly deluded sense of identity. They can tend to have more of a Collective/Corporate sense of who they are. This could be based on their Politics or even the Sport Team they support or the Music they listen to.

Such people can tend to argue from Pathos(Emotion) especially when discussing anything they personally Identify with. Trying to bring an objective discussion based on facts could probably make people like this really mad if it involves any area they personally identify with.

From what I understand of Autism, it could be really hard to pick up on the nuances of things like this or why people seem to randomly get mad.
Find out what you love doing and if there isn't already a job for it, make one! Don't waste your life spending most of it doing what you don't want to (like a monotonous job). Do what you love and you will have a pleasant existence. :)

My son is good with computers, writes very well and his "thing" is dates, he can remember the dates of anything. He's amazing!

Well..... Someone wants me to go out to their house nearby in town, and install Linux on their PC for 20 Dollars!..... :) I met them in Bible study..... :D Someone also Prayed for me to have customers....... Maybe I'll become like System 76!..... :D But you remind me of Henry David Thoreau..... :) Y'know, let people march to their own beat 'n stuff....... :3 Yep..... Your son sounds a LOT like me..... :D I met someone at Bible Study who is into Music like me and your son are into Computers..... :D Also, my Dad told me I can remember something someone said YEARS ago, in the EXACT context..... XD Hmmm..... Maybe I would make a good White Hat Hacker..... :3
Unfortunately, there are a great many people out there who feel the need to find a put-down type of label for anyone who doesn't quite fit into their idea of "normal":eek:. This makes them feel better than the target of their abuse. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Most of the people who fall into this category have very low self esteem, so they try to bolster it by bullying others. I feel sorry for them. Consider the source, ignore them, and keep your chin up mate, you're doing just fine. Like ChristiW said, Find your niche in life, grab on with both hands, and hold on for the ride of your life. Good luck to you, my friend, GO FOR IT!!:D:D.

Yeah..... :D My Papa (Grandpa) once said that "maybe everyone ELSE isn't normal, and he IS." :D But I don't think many of us HERE are normal..... We've all got our own quirks..... :3 Let's honor my Papa by being FREAKS!!!..... :D No, seriously, I want to make a Distro of Linux that's themed on weirdness....... And yes, it will have that Terminal Train program installed, too..... ;) One time, this old guy called me stupid, but I bet he had no CONCEPTION of how much I know..... (Now, of course there are smarter people, but you get the point.... ;)) Also, I will..... :3 And when I revolutionize the WORLD, I'll post the Code RIGHT here, and on Github, and Sourceforge, so all my friends in the FOSS Universe can make a difference, as well..... (like now, but when I release those legendary Applications..... :)) I mean this in the most non-creepy way POSSIBLE, but..... I Love you guys....... :'3
I think some people have a fragile ego or slightly deluded sense of identity. They can tend to have more of a Collective/Corporate sense of who they are. This could be based on their Politics or even the Sport Team they support or the Music they listen to.

Such people can tend to argue from Pathos(Emotion) especially when discussing anything they personally Identify with. Trying to bring an objective discussion based on facts could probably make people like this really mad if it involves any area they personally identify with.

From what I understand of Autism, it could be really hard to pick up on the nuances of things like this or why people seem to randomly get mad.

When you say Pathos, you remind me of Entitled Opinions, a Philosophical College radio show..... :3 Also, you remind me of what Eckhart Tolle said about ego..... :) But yeah, Sports Teams in places like Buffalo, or Minnesota, or Wisconsin have....... Shall we say, mostly "DEDICATED" fan bases.....? XD But yeah, that reminds me of trying to discuss with some people about how Windows is bad (in MOST cases)...... Though, I HAVE seen the same backlash in GNU/Linux communities as well..... ;) One joke someone had about a true story, is that the only way you could get answers is by mentioning how Linux sucks at something, and then someone would say "that's FUD, put out by Micro$oft!! All you have to do is x!"..... :D Wow, in GTA IV right now, it. Is. RAINING..... D: Anywho..... :3 But yes, I have often found it hard to read peoples expressions in most cases, and how they talk..... :(
I know everyone around here is a Packers fan and I'm not really even into Football. I'm barely aware of the Superbowl. I'm not sure I even know what teams are playing in the Superbowl.
I know everyone around here is a Packers fan and I'm not really even into Football. I'm barely aware of the Superbowl. I'm not sure I even know what teams are playing in the Superbowl.

Ooh, Michigan..... :3 Down heah, in tha' South, I live near Raleigh..... :3 No Sports Teams there, except..... THERE'S REDHAT, BABY!!!!!..... XD Much Linux, so wow!..... :3
I know everyone around here is a Packers fan and I'm not really even into Football. I'm barely aware of the Superbowl. I'm not sure I even know what teams are playing in the Superbowl.
They should make Doge Linux a reality..... *WOOF!* :3 Mebbe take Puppy and remix it....? :D
'Dat signature, though..... You must've been Lucky to grow up then..... :D It's a Geek's FANTASY to see all of that stuff..... You should be PROUD..... :)
If you ever get the chance, check out the video "Joe Montana, The Fire within".:D:D
If you ever get the chance, check out the video "Joe Montana, The Fire within".:D:D

Ok!..... :3 Also, I'm posting this from Windows 98!..... :D (Gee, I wonder if I can do this from a Whirlwind.....? :))
Gee, everything is covered in blue dots on this page..... Wonder why.....?
'Dat signature, though..... You must've been Lucky to grow up then..... :D It's a Geek's FANTASY to see all of that stuff..... You should be PROUD..... :)
Yeah, I was born in 1952, so I got in on the ground floor of computers. I did 20 years in the navy (11/71 to 12/91) working on everything from the IBM PC to the VAX11-780, with all of the minicomputers in between.

At Great Lakes, in digital computer basics, I trained on a computer called the BI-TRAN six, which was made by Fabritek way, way back in the early 60's. You had to put the programs into the computer by cycling through the memory, and setting switches for what you wanted in each address. Even very short programs took forever to load by hand, but it was, after all, a training evolution. It was a "table top" machine, which as I recall was about 4 feet wide, 2 1/2 feet tall, and about 18 inches deep. As I recall it used core memory (a whopping 1k of it!!!) o_Oo_Oand was extremely slow, even as compared to a Commodore 64. I don't remember what the clock frequency was, but I know it was way below 1Mhz.:p:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Some of the older military computers that I worked on, like the AN/UYK-7 were wire wrapped on the backplane. That particular computer was quite quick, and had dual CPU, dual IOU, and dual IOA. It was used with four MU-750 hard disk drives (300MB removable disk pack drives). These drives were dual-ported. Each IOA was connected to all four Hard drives through two dual ported controllers. The redundant paths came in very handy. When one path to a drive failed, there was always another path to use. This made for a very reliable system.

Now you can have a 4Ghz, computer, with 8 processor cores, on your desktop for a fraction of the cost of that old system (MAYBE 1% of the cost).

The displays used on that UYK-7 based system, were AYDIN Direct View Consoles. The consoles were green, and each had two CRT displays side by side, 18 inches wide, by 24 inches tall. These displays did not scan like most CRT displays. The beam stayed in the center until it was deflected. It used 5 signals input to the display, X-major, X-minor, Y-major, Y-minor, and Intensity Modulation. I prefer the LCD display in front of me now. Did I mention that the video on those CRT displays were only in green? :eek::eek: Anyway, now I work in high speed industrial robotics, so the experience came in very handy.:D:DBeing a Ham radio Operator helped a lot too!!;)

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