Hello all. I've been scouring the internet trying to find a concise, step by step tutorial to help me figure out just how to get hypnotix to actually work.
As it is currently, it's pretty much useless. I'm in the US, use a vpn that is showing me as being in the US, ( nowhere near my actual location but the same country nonetheless ), trying to access channels listed as being in the US.
Some tv channels do nothing at all, others display a rotating circle for eternity. Most of the movie selections exhibit the same behavior. The ones that do actually play something, and these are all only from Pluto, play a random clip from a movie. The clip plays for a few minutes, then just displays the Pluto logo until I close the program.
Jarret B, on this forum, posted a thread about installing and using Hypnotix. The first part of his thread dealt with installing and using the program. That part I got to on my own. With the aformentioned results. However, when it came to the instructions on adding a provider, I ran into more issues.
Following the link provided in this paragraph from the thread --
The database can be found here. Select the option, such as ‘Grouped by language’. Once you have selected the grouping type, find your desired group. Download the ‘m3u’ file and save it to a folder, such as ‘~/.hypnotix/’. Remember the folder and filename where you save it.--
I found the github listing, went to group by country and found United States. All good. However, while I was there I found this link, https://iptv-org.github.io/iptv/countries/us.m3u, I did NOT find any m3u file to save. Sooooo, where do I find that?
Forging on, I tried to add the provider anyway, named it new, and put the URL in the box labeled "URL". The instructions said nothing about the next box, labeled "Logo URL". Obviously that box needs something in it as the ok button stays greyed out. So, I put the same URL in the logo box. This sort of worked. A new provider is listed. Something does start playing, I have no idea what it is, apparently a religous channel going by the content. It also lists 0 tv channels, 0 movies, and 0 specials.
At this point, I realize that I am far far out of my element and need help.
As it is currently, it's pretty much useless. I'm in the US, use a vpn that is showing me as being in the US, ( nowhere near my actual location but the same country nonetheless ), trying to access channels listed as being in the US.
Some tv channels do nothing at all, others display a rotating circle for eternity. Most of the movie selections exhibit the same behavior. The ones that do actually play something, and these are all only from Pluto, play a random clip from a movie. The clip plays for a few minutes, then just displays the Pluto logo until I close the program.
Jarret B, on this forum, posted a thread about installing and using Hypnotix. The first part of his thread dealt with installing and using the program. That part I got to on my own. With the aformentioned results. However, when it came to the instructions on adding a provider, I ran into more issues.
Following the link provided in this paragraph from the thread --
The database can be found here. Select the option, such as ‘Grouped by language’. Once you have selected the grouping type, find your desired group. Download the ‘m3u’ file and save it to a folder, such as ‘~/.hypnotix/’. Remember the folder and filename where you save it.--
I found the github listing, went to group by country and found United States. All good. However, while I was there I found this link, https://iptv-org.github.io/iptv/countries/us.m3u, I did NOT find any m3u file to save. Sooooo, where do I find that?
Forging on, I tried to add the provider anyway, named it new, and put the URL in the box labeled "URL". The instructions said nothing about the next box, labeled "Logo URL". Obviously that box needs something in it as the ok button stays greyed out. So, I put the same URL in the logo box. This sort of worked. A new provider is listed. Something does start playing, I have no idea what it is, apparently a religous channel going by the content. It also lists 0 tv channels, 0 movies, and 0 specials.
At this point, I realize that I am far far out of my element and need help.