Hello All, and again my gratitude for your sharing your time and knowledge. Anyone following my previous post about a duel install of Mint with Widows 7 may know i murdered my machine. After achieving what I thought was a successful install of Mint 19.3 Mate 64bit; upon reboot the boot menu came up showing '1. Ubuntu' only with an 'Application' tab as well as usual; yet when I hit enter nothing happens. The screen remains and no OS is booted. I purchased a new Hard Drive thinking I crashed the HD with so many reboots. It came yesterday and upon installation, the exact same screen shows with the same results. I had run the diagnostics on the Application tab and no errors were reported. I had read that unplugging 'something' on the motherboard and then re-plugging it would reset things. I did try unplugging the power and then a card at the back of the board by the battery, but I'm thinking that was just a graphics card. Perhaps it was the CPU which resets things. I'll try that eventually if I can't find another answer. I tried my 'Boot Repair' live usbs, yet they didn't work. Now I'm wondering if they may be broken. I'm learning they do die, so I'll try to get some scandisks and try the boot repair again. Does it matter which brand of usb one uses? That worked many, many times before. Soooo, if anyone has any information regarding how I might revive my Fujitsu 500GB 4GB Ram, It would be greatly appreciated.