Solved How to use the internet connection of a remote machine on a local machine ?

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Aug 21, 2024
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J'ai une machine distante qui a une très bonne connexion internet illimitée et une machine locale qui n'en a pas ou qui a une connexion très mauvaise, extrêmement limitée. S'il vous plaît, comment puis-je utiliser la connexion de ma machine distante sur ma machine locale ? J'ai déjà essayé ssh (proxy socks, tunneling et reverse tunneling) et openvpn même si je ne comprends pas bien openvpn
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That is not going to work. You'd still have to use your poor connection to connect to the good connection, meaning your connection would still only be as good as the poor connection.
answered this on one of your other posts. go buy an internet wifi router. should run you about $60 US and plug your good internet into it. configure the router then hook up your other computers by wire or wifi to the new router and POOF.... problem fixed very simple. Not sure why you are paying for separate internet connections for each computer but this will fix that. you can cancel everything but the one you plug into the router. Simple way.
Hmm... We should probably know 'how remote' this is.

I'm picturing something like a PC in another state. So, a wireless router isn't going to help that out one bit.
Hmm... We should probably know 'how remote' this is.

I'm picturing something like a PC in another state. So, a wireless router isn't going to help that out one bit.
I would think the machines are not that remote from each other, otherwise why would they ask about sharing the connection from the one to the other? unless they really have no idea how networking functions in which case you'd be right.

we need input... physically, how far are these computers from each other?
unless they really have no idea how networking functions in which case you'd be right.

That there is my guess. Otherwise, they'd have said, "On the other side of my house." (And they wouldn't have a crappy connection.)

So, that's my official guess.
That is not going to work. You'd still have to use your poor connection to connect to the good connection, meaning your connection would still only be as good as the poor connection.

The connection is good on my remote server yet I want to work on my local machine with this good connection. It's an Ubuntu 24.04 server, there is no graphical interface so I'm limited to it
That is not going to work. You'd still have to use your poor connection to connect to the good connection, meaning your connection would still only be as good as the poor connection.
Thank you so much for your time and support, but the remote machine doesn't really belong to me. It's on the cloud
Je pense que les machines ne sont pas si éloignées les unes des autres, sinon pourquoi demanderaient-elles de partager la connexion de l'une à l'autre ? à moins qu'ils n'aient vraiment aucune idée du fonctionnement du réseau, auquel cas vous auriez raison.

nous avons besoin d'informations... physiquement, à quelle distance ces ordinateurs se trouvent-ils les uns des autres ?
You may be right, my problem probably comes from my limited knowledge of networks. Thank you
the remote machine doesn't really belong to me. It's on the cloud
If you have root access to remote computer then tutorial below should help:

my problem probably comes from my limited knowledge of networks.
In that case to understand what the tutorial does you'll need to master nftables because remote computer likely doesn't use iptables but there is iptables-translate program which will help you to translate rules.

However translated rules need to be checked for correctness by you, so you'll need to learn a bit on nftables as well as networking, specifically how to create and use virtual NIC.
I would think the machines are not that remote from each other, otherwise why would they ask about sharing the connection from the one to the other? unless they really have no idea how networking functions in which case you'd be right.

we need input... physically, how far are these computers from each other?
The remote machine is in the United States and the local machine in France
The remote machine is in the United States and the local machine in France
Forget it then, your poor network on local computer cannot be improved unless PC's are on same LAN.
What ever setup you do poor network has to be used so the whole network will be limited by bandwidth of it.
Hey everybody

I would like to know the goal here.

What is the OP trying to accomplish?

If I were to want to access everything on the internet with a slow machine and wanted to access downloads, for example, I would use the fast machine to do the hard stuff and send things to my cloud storage. Then I could access my cloud storage to download to my slow computer and not need to deal with the internet in general.

Sounds like a job for DWService

Relatively low impact on a slow machine and can access any computer in the world. I have used it for years and it is great.

So is this a drive-by po

So is this a drive-by posting?

No, I've been working on the cloud it's only been 4 months and I found that the connection on the latter was better than the one I have locally so I asked a gpt-4o-lastest if it was possible to use the connection of my server locally. It generated a solution with ssh proxy socks that didn't work, so I started to do more research on openssh, openvpn, openvpn, firewalld, IP, ipsec, ufw, iptable, squid proxy, etc,... Using the doc, the articles on medium, ai, I made a lot of configurations but it didn't work. I even learned a lot about system administration and networks as a novice devops

No, I've been working on the cloud it's only been 4 months and I found that the connection on the latter was better than the one I have locally so I asked a gpt-4o-lastest if it was possible to use the connection of my server locally. It generated a solution with ssh proxy socks that didn't work, so I started to do more research on openssh, openvpn, openvpn, firewalld, IP, ipsec, ufw, iptable, squid proxy, etc,... Using the doc, the articles on medium, ai, I made a lot of configurations but it didn't work. I even learned a lot about system administration and networks as a novice devops
Hi Anonymous237

No offence intended.

I was inititially dissapointed to not have more info and I hoped you would reply to everybody's questions.

Glad you are still with us.

I made another post for your consideration.

The remote machine is in the United States and the local machine in France

That's what I'd figured. You can't really do anything here that'd help. You're still restricted by your bad connection. It's the weak link in the chain.
maybe I can explain to the OP. What he is doing is sort of like having a Ferrari in the US and a Chevy in France. You notice the Ferrari is much faster so you figure maybe if I put the Ferrari tires on the Chevy it will go fast.... we know that will not work.

Internet is like a chain. You can only go as fast as the slowest link in that chain. So in short you are looking in the wrong place to increase speed and reliability. The ISP is what you have to look into, not the computers. Also you will NEVER be able to use a remote connection on your local machine because they are just wires from the ISP. You can't move them. Just like you can't transfer the speed of your Ferrari to your broken down Chevy. At least not by changing the tires.
Hi Anonymous237

No offence intended.

I was inititially dissapointed to not have more info and I hoped you would reply to everybody's questions.

Glad you are still with us.

I made another post for your consideration.

You didn't offend but just help and I thank you for that
maybe I can explain to the OP. What he is doing is sort of like having a Ferrari in the US and a Chevy in France. You notice the Ferrari is much faster so you figure maybe if I put the Ferrari tires on the Chevy it will go fast.... we know that will not work.

Internet is like a chain. You can only go as fast as the slowest link in that chain. So in short you are looking in the wrong place to increase speed and reliability. The ISP is what you have to look into, not the computers. Also you will NEVER be able to use a remote connection on your local machine because they are just wires from the ISP. You can't move them. Just like you can't transfer the speed of your Ferrari to your broken down Chevy. At least not by changing the tires.
Thank you and I pushed myself a little more on the network architecture itself and I found that it couldn't work. Thank you very much for your support

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