You can do this by typing:
killall name
in the terminal. 'name' is the name of the procces to be killed.
killall name
in the terminal. 'name' is the name of the procces to be killed.
Let's say you gotta kill the apache daemon?
service httpd stop
systemctl stop httpd.service
rc.d stop httpd
Sure KenJackson, that is a "way" of doing it. But that's confusing, what system do you running on?
I think killing a process should be quite similar to how it is done on Windows. Whatever opens up your Task Manager should include Processes, in which you can easily disable a process if needed.
$ ps x
$ kill -9 [PID]
Check the process list first by issuing the following command:
Code:$ ps x
Then look for the process identifier (PID) of the program you want to kill, then type:
Code:$ kill -9 [PID]
That's what they taught me ever since and that's what I always use.
The -9 will ensure "execution" of your command.
Very helpful. Thanks. I suppose this is the dos version of windows?
ps aux | grep kloxo
pidof kloxo