How I can launch Gnome Terminal for memory forensics before appearing desktop login?


New Member
Aug 12, 2022
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The purpose of this work is to check all the services and processes that are activated before the graphical environment comes up and login(memory forensics ). I am not looking for methods that access the terminal through recovery and using the live disk(because I don't get my answer).

I want to check what is happening in action and I don't want to do it by logging in through the virtual terminal. (TTY)
I want to check the stage where services and daemons are loaded in the memory. (without any limited access) Am I able to have root access at this stage?

I don't think I can have good control over memory through this mechanism!!
Also, I don't get a specific answer from within the Ubuntu operating system itself

please guide me.

@Hamkalsi welcome to

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I have just approved the older of your posts and deleted the other posted after 5 minutes.

Some one will be along when they can.

Chris Turner
The short answer there is "no". If the desktop is not loaded yet, you won’t be able to run any graphical applications like Gnome Terminal, because they depend on X (or wayland) AND the DE/window manager to be up and running. So before the graphical environment is loaded, your only option would be via a login shell/tty.
The easiest way to access grub command line, idk if that has the "free" command, yet you might be able to find out information before the desktop launches itself.
Technically @JasKinasis is right. The kernel by itself doesn't help you.
You need a way to login, to display. Typically a 100 processes or more are
running just for your system to be "alive".
You'll need disk drivers for the OS even load, display drivers to see whats on your screen, keyboard drivers
to type stuff from your keyboard,

I think the easiest way to get to a minimalist environment... boot into command line mode.
In fact, boot into safe/recovery mode and even less stuff will be loaded.
You'll still have a lot of stuff running, but way less than if you bring up the entire DE.
A "live" USB isn't reliable, you may have more than you need loaded, or you may not have everything
you need loaded. Typically live USB's are just a "best guess" at what they think you might need.

Now if you really think about it... if you are trying to optimize your system.
You want to do it in the environment it's normally running in. If you optimize it before everything is
loaded, you will likely find the resources get shifted around quite a bit once everything comes up.

Unfortunately, I could not get an answer, so I will ask my question again.

Do the sound and keyboard settings, reset the operating system and the clock, as well as the various options of the desktop environment related to the display manager like GDM?
is it right?
if it isn't, then How I can access options and changes?

My goal: run and launch any software and change options in a display manager like GDM.

in the forum ubuntu, about this subject, I find the links, but I get don't any answer.

some say I am not able to do this because the software cannot run without a graphical environment in the forum!!!

But I did it this way.
with command :
# sudo xinit /usr/bin/geany -- :1
# sudo xinit /usr/bin/xfced4-terminal -- :1

please guide me.

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