How do I disable the konqueror web browser?

I found the command, but it doesn't provide a list of things I can check.


Matthew Campbell
These are the only things that are desktop defaults on this machine from xdg's perspective:
$ xdg-settings --list
Known properties:
  default-url-scheme-handler    Default handler for URL scheme
  default-web-browser           Default web browser

$ xdg-settings get default-web-browser

$ xdg-settings get default-url-scheme-handler

There was no output for the last command, so no default-url-scheme-handler

This machine has no desktop environment, but runs dwm to manage windows. The other way to arrange defaults is through the alternatives software using:
update-alternatives --config <someCommand>
The alternatives output to that command should let you know what is available to "alternate" so if one wishes to have another browser as default, it can be installed and selected from the alternatives facility.

On this machine:
[root@min ~]# update-alternatives --config www-browser
There are 3 choices for the alternative www-browser (providing /usr/bin/www-browser).

  Selection    Path             Priority   Status
* 0            /usr/bin/lynx     40        auto mode
  1            /usr/bin/elinks   35        manual mode
  2            /usr/bin/lynx     40        manual mode
  3            /usr/bin/w3m      25        manual mode

Press <enter> to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number:

The output doesn't even show firefox-esr because there is no desktop environment, but the alternatives which are installed from the package manager are present.

Nevertheless, on this machine the other browsers which run are as follows:
~/browsers]$ ls -1

These browsers are all run from the created directory /home/$USER/browsers, and are outside the apt package manager on this debian system. The are downloaded from their home sites and all work perfectly well. They are not automatically updated, but most have a polling mechanism so that when a new version is released, a notice appears on screen, at which point the user can download the new release, install it and use it. Note that the firefox here is the most recent one extracted from the tarball from mozilla and is different to the firefox-esr that the xdg-settings can manipulate and which is upgraded through the package manager. None of this may be of interest to implement since it involves manual installation, but it outlines an alternative which may be of interest to consider. Linux has great flexibility :) .
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Note that the firefox here is the most recent one extracted from the tarball from mozilla and is different to the firefox-esr that the xdg-settings can manipulate and which is upgraded through the package manager. None of this may be of interest to implement since it involves manual installation, but it outlines an alternative which may be of interest to consider. Linux has great flexibility :) .
I was about to add something along these lines, @osprey , but ya beat me to it, buddy.

Non-standard implementation of a lot of 'standard' stuff is bread'n'butter for us here in Puppyland. Despite that yes, we do HAVE a 'default applications' GUI utility, frankly I find it quicker to go into /usr/local/bin and modify the wee scripts the GUI calls directly. Naturally, most people WILL use the default apps'n'stuff that comes OOTB (why wouldn't you? The dev teams have gone to a lot of effort to put all this together, and I think most folks would sooner do things the 'official' way for whatever distro they're running, 'cos it's less likely to break stuff).

I've always taken much the same view as yourself and, indeed, as a lot of other people I know. Linux is almost infinitely flexible; yes, there's accepted, standard ways of doing things, but the system is forgiving enough to permit operation of many things from decidedly non-standard locations. Yes; most folks coming to Puppy from any mainstream distro are frequently horrified at our cavalier attitude to Linux usage.....especially the way many of us just casually dive into the file system and start moving/changing/ shunting/copying things around to suit ourselves. They can't understand why our systems don't immediately go into cardiac arrest and break down irreparably...

I can't help thinking that, in some respects, the veteran Linux 'cognoscenti' ( okay, okay; 'neckbeards', if you insist! :p ) have somehow brain-washed later generations of Linux users into thinking Linux itself is even more fussy and strait-laced than Windows, and woe betide anyone who doesn't follow instructions to the letter. Nothing could be further from the truth. Here's an infinitely flexible system, that auto-recognises and provides drivers for pretty nearly 100% of your hardware, then hands you the keys & lets you, the user, employ it to do whatever you want with your system in the way that YOU want to do it.

I won't say I don't read some of the on-line Linux blogs from time to time, if I'm looking for a solution to something & need some extra info, but I definitely don't do stuff the way everybody seems to think I should. I don't slavishly follow all the tutorials that mostly insist there's only one way of doing something, and you MUST follow 'the rules' (or else). I do things the way that I want to.......and Puppy increases that infinite Linux flexibility by at least a factor of three, if not four.

Is it any wonder I have no interest in using anything else?

Mike. :D

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