You mentioned
so I'm assuming it's a Debian family. That means there's some dependency nightmares going on -- and I have my own gripe to post about that in the future when I have the time to tackle this -- so there are issues. One such example is removing
will remove half of XFCE4. Easiest thing to do is either
apt-get purge konqueror --dry-run > text.file
is to bypass the interactive mode the safest). Then remove
for realsies and open
and reinstall everything to be removed.
But I would not recommend it, as Mike pointed out, it is part of the core and may make KDE break!
If you want to disable it from opening anything, see
And here's a thread I'm sure will have some useful info for the above context:
What is the command update-alternatives used for? Take this example: sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/local/java/jre1.7.0_09/bin/java 1 What does it do? How is it diffe...
Also, of note, you cannot never be sure where something is without
So my advice: Disable it as the default via
alternatives and be done. If you're trimming away bloat, KDE is not for you. Bottom line is it's rich and beautiful and I've played with it, but after considering a transition, I found it was too much work. I'm used to XFCE and how easy it is to get setup, and contrary to popular opinion, it can look very modern and pretty.
If you're hell-bent on removing it, it probably exists in
, but as everyone has warned, it could break your system. Doing the following is probably the safest:
mv /path/to/konqueror /path/to/konqueror.old
ln -s /path/to/preferred-program /path/to/konqueror
That way you can boot in recover mode or from a LiveCD and just undo the linking. But don't say you weren't warned.