How can I game on Linux?

I am a big gamer. To tell you the truth, my Steam games run better in Linux. My processor runs a little hotter but my graphics card runs way better. NVidia has awesome support in linux. AMD Does not.

I tried AMD graphics driver once on Ubuntu 14.04 and it changed the resolution to 5000x5000, very small icons and stuff. The opensource drivers work well for my AMD GPU and APU, though.

Hi Guys ,

I m a gamer as well but in my option Linux cant handle any game that I play. Why's that ? I play old mmorpgs the hardcore ones who no one plays anymore and the problem is while your using wine or some other programs that open the game , the game security tells you to stop using cheats. Because if you open a game on windows it opens without any second programs .

So gaming on Linux can be hard, I got banned once .

I noticed that a game run via Linux (on my Laptop) is much slower then the same gam running on windows , but this might be my fault I could mess up some settings.
Laptops are not meant for games. As for the other thing - you just don't know how to make these games run in Linux. Not to mention some games even have native versions. Of the 4 Windows games I played in Linux, only one didn't run as expected. The other 3 ran a lot better than they ever did in Windows.
""Laptops are not meant for games""...really ?

The Best Cheap Gaming Laptops for 2019...and Cheap
  • Dell Inspiron 15 7000.
  • HP Pavillion Gaming Laptop.
  • MSI GL62M.
  • ASUS FX502.
  • Acer Predator Helios 300.
In Rado's defense, "most" laptops aren't made for gaming. I too have a laptop, Dell Inspiron 5000. Sold as a "gaming" laptop. And yes JokerTux, there are going to be Windows games that don't run well on Linux or don't run at all on Linux. But you can no longer say that you can't game at all on Linux. There are many of those Windows games that run just as well on Linux now, either using Steam Play or WINE.
Which one is the easiest to use, PlayonLinux or Wine? I would like to try installing Command & Conquer Generals again, didn't wok in the past.
From my experience PlayonLinux seems best. They use WINE and seem to have better help, IMHO. Also, you can have multiple versions of WINE using PlayonLinux. This game runs better on 1.3.1, so when launch it, it uses WINE 1.3.1, this game runs better on 1.24.3, so when it launches it uses that version. You do have to download each version of WINE that you're going to use but you setup the games to use the one you want.
But don't rule out Steam and Steam Play for games you bought there. Many work great.
I can see "playonlinux" in Synaptic. Will this also install Wine or do I have to first install Wine and then Playonlinux?
I can see "playonlinux" in Synaptic. Will this also install Wine or do I have to first install Wine and then Playonlinux?
Yes, it will install Wine but I for one prefer to install it manually because POL uses an old version, whereas the manual installation provides me with the latest stable Wine - 4.0.
Yes, it will install Wine but I for one prefer to install it manually because POL uses an old version, whereas the manual installation provides me with the latest stable Wine - 4.0.

I far as I remember PlayonLinux shows you a lot of options from the Command & Conquer series, but not the Generals version. I checked out some you tube video's about that game running on Linux, as well as some articles and it was slow a lot of the time. Warzone 2100 might be a better open source alternative.

I will look at my options, but will try out Cube 2 Sauerbraten first, because it's in Synaptic and might install easily.

I have 0 A.D. anyway, that's not to bad for a open source RTS game.
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@wizardfromoz , Lutris is useless. None of the games there ever run, no matter how they were installed - that includes using the community scripts. Whereas the most of the games I tried with SteamPlay ran without any problem.
Just a little trivial feedback. I installed Warzone2100 form the software center (in Lubuntu 18.04) and it froze my whole system. The I installed a later version of the same game using snap installer and it worked flawlessly.

I also left antialiasing off when playing this game, on the second never version.

I guess I will never know what did the trick.
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how will cyberpunk2077 and star citizen will behave under linux ?
MX Linux and the Liquorix kernel are a great combination for gaming on Linux.

Didn't use it for long though, not much of a gamer.
All right.
I dont dual boot windows and linux and I still game.
I just use lutris it has a thriving community and a lot of people make custom installers for games you can use or it just layers compatibility for steam
I suggest some options but you colud abbando windows, so you can play under linux in different way:

  1. Try Wine, as suggest from forum, but I don't like
  2. use MAME do play by retrogames (To me is the top)
  3. use DOSBOX to play abadonware
  4. use linux game.
ok first post and use of linux . may be i doing it wrong .

ok i on day 2 of pol / wine installing is there something i doing wrong
G'day @micky2

ok i on day 2 of pol / wine installing is there something i doing wrong

Seriously, Mate, how could we possibly know? You haven't told us anything o_O

1. What Linux Distribution are you using, including version number?

2. What have you tried so far, including any articles you have read?

I won't likely be the one to help you as I am not a Gamer, but I can help you provide the information others can use to help.


