Hi there...


New Member
Nov 25, 2024
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Just a quick post to say hello...
After many years of Windows (25+) and the occasional experiment with linux... Mint, Ubuntu & Fedora, I've finally decided to make the jump and commit to migrating my desktop, laptop & HTPC to Fedora 41 KDE Plasma... it's going to be tough and challenging with a steepish learning curve... getting to understand how things work, the filing system and finding replacements for my old go-to software apps.

But after running Fedora on my laptop as an "app test bed" for about two weeks now, I'm beginning to find my way and see the light at the end of the tunnel... still a way to go though, setting the systems up being a stumbling block at the moment hence my second post which I hope will be under group "Getting Started" as it's not really distribution specific.

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Welcome to the forums
sit back, kick off shoes, grab a beer and, go with the flow
Welcome to the Forum.
G'day from DownUnder @geelock and welcome to linux.org :)

I've been using Linux on and off since 2010, and exclusively since 2014 (retired Windows 7 which I quite liked), and haven't missed anything of note from that platform.

I'm 67 and Brian @Brickwizard is older, so there's hope for you yet.

I saw your contribution to Browsers & Extensions and I'll take a look at the Starters one.


Chris Turner
Hello @geelock
Welcome to the Linux.org forum, enjoy the journey!
Well you'll do well with fedora 41. and KDE is my favorite DE. I've played with 41 a few times. but usually end up back on Debian For it stability. But I enjoy Fedora also. Let us know if we can be of help in your Linux journey. Stick with it and you'll do fine.
This page maybe of help in you learning curve.

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