"at" didnt come installed i had to
I then did
it shows job 5 queued (i tried a few times)
even with
Nothing happened at 12:38
i tried with sudo even though there was no indication that it was required and I
also tried by creating /etc/at.allow containing "leftyleo" (all lower as it is in the bash banner)
no outputs ate the specified time either way .. read the man and that didnt help
although if i put teatime - it DID set to 4pm ..
(PS should replies to this be in a new/separate thread?)
Thank you
sudo apt install at
I then did
:~$ at now+5min
warning: commands will be executed using /bin/sh
at> echo "Hello"
at> <EOT>
job 5 at Mon Sep 2 12:38:00 2024
it shows job 5 queued (i tried a few times)
even with
5 Mon Sep 2 12:38:00 2024 a leftyleo
Nothing happened at 12:38
i tried with sudo even though there was no indication that it was required and I
also tried by creating /etc/at.allow containing "leftyleo" (all lower as it is in the bash banner)
no outputs ate the specified time either way .. read the man and that didnt help
although if i put teatime - it DID set to 4pm ..
(PS should replies to this be in a new/separate thread?)
Thank you
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