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Say Hello from Indonesia. My name is Oki. I hope I can learn many things in this forum, because I'm still newbie.:D

hi , i am new as well . i just downloaded fedora16, using it on live cd mode now .. i have been using my laptop for a while on windows .. i have too much data that i cant affort loosing .. i want to use linux now . is there any way i can acheive that without having to format my system ? and yet get good performance ?
You can install fedora as a dual boot - which I can't remember if it will partition it for you or not.. I know ubuntu/mint will repartition your windows partition. With fedora, you may have to use a 3rd party program?

Someone who has recently done a fedora dual boot install will come along shortly I imagine to answer that ;)


hi , i am new as well . i just downloaded fedora16, using it on live cd mode now .. i have been using my laptop for a while on windows .. i have too much data that i cant affort loosing .. i want to use linux now . is there any way i can acheive that without having to format my system ? and yet get good performance ?
Welcome to the forums, thanmustoki! I have been away for a little while due to school and work. It is great to see new members coming in while I was gone. Everyone is friendly and more than willing to help - I am sure you will enjoy your stay!
You can install fedora as a dual boot - which I can't remember if it will partition it for you or not.. I know ubuntu/mint will repartition your windows partition. With fedora, you may have to use a 3rd party program?

Someone who has recently done a fedora dual boot install will come along shortly I imagine to answer that ;)


The issue with partitions is usually memory allocation with Fedora - to manny partitions will also bring forth errors such as 'cannot create partition'.

A healthy amount of GB on your drive will always be an advantage, I believe but don't quote me on this - you should be allowed 1 extended partition and possible 2 or 3 partitions depending on your allocation. I'd just LVM :) Also this should help http://ask.fedoraproject.org/question/1669/windows-7-fedora-16-dualboot-installation
Hi Oki and welcome! I am new as well as a newbie. I am currently using Mint. What are you using?
I love your title, took me a second to get the joke (1am here!) but I did a geeky chuckle :D

Have fun and see you around the forums!

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