Hello, Everyone!


New Member
Jun 26, 2017
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First off, thank you to all the folks helping others especially here, linuxquestions, and stackoverflow

About me:
I recently got an engineering degree, but I don't work with it. I decided to work in software because I had an opportunity to and I enjoyed an IT job I had at my University.
I work for a small company that makes embedded communication devices (serial->IP), manages a couple customer databases, and provides tools over a web-interface for monitoring equipment health.
I typically write in C with an occasional C++ class.
I am not new to Linux, but I still have a lot to learn.
I run a handful of distros on my personal machines and I use the command line daily, but TBH I still use Windows at work for my IDE, Office, and Outlook.

I hope to find most of the answers I seek without posting, but I will try to reply if (when) I know the solution.

If you know a KC-area linux guru, hardware engineer, or developer looking for full or part-time employment, please put us in touch.

My pride hasn't prevented me from asking questions, seeking help, or recognizing knowledge gaps.

Hi @CSmith88, welcome aboard! I hope we'll be able to help you, if needed, and we welcome your knowledge and talents too!

CSmith88, my comments between yours:

I am not new to Linux, but I still have a lot to learn.

I think that could be said of most of us?

I run a handful of distros on my personal machines and I use the command line daily, but TBH I still use Windows at work for my IDE, Office, and Outlook.

I run 50 to 70 at a time spread over three units at home, just because I like something about each of them. No Windows for 3 years.

I hope to find most of the answers I seek without posting, but I will try to reply if (when) I know the solution.

Still sounds like us ... you should fit in well, and feel right at home!

If you know a KC-area linux guru, ...

I just have to work out what KC is, if it had an F in the middle, it would be chicken and I'd eat it.

... hardware engineer, or developer looking for full or part-time employment, please put us in touch.

I know only one Dev - Jim Carpenter of Peach OSI, but his is a small family-based operation; also Rob Whyte, a fellow Aussie and CEO of Vinux (Linux for the visually challenged), but likewise. I am meeting people all the time, though, in my Linux journeys so I will keep my eyes and ears open for you.

My pride hasn't prevented me from asking questions, seeking help, or recognizing knowledge gaps.

Pride? That's a bunch of lions, and I would be "lion" if I thought I was a Linux Guru, but maybe one day when I grow up (60 soon), lol.

Enjoy Linux ... I do, every day.

"I am not new to Linux, but I still have a lot to learn."

Don't we all! :D Most of us here have had their fair share of beatings from computer hardware / Software. I learn best from a good beating, myselfo_O. Welcome aboard, and don't hesitate to ask questions, mate.


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