Have you been through physical therapy?
Oh, yes... Yes, yes I have. The last was fairly recent... In 2018, I was involved in a spectacular automobile wreck, as a passenger and at a very high rate of travel. I broke a bunch of stuff, eventually riding in a helicopter to a second hospital once I was stabilized.
The worst of the injury was a completely sheered off femur. Picture your femur. Picture the widest possible point. It broke completely off along the diagonal, in the longest possible place.
I eventually left the hospital only to mostly live in a bed and wheelchair. I had in-home nursing 24 hours a day as I was still on IV opiates. I had physical therapy five days a week, buying a ton of equipment along the way.
My PT included weird things like dressing in Lycra (a green suit) with dots all over me. The specialists then examined that and taught me a new way to walk, with less of a limp and without doing further damage to the socket due to a misalignment.
My PT was 18 months long and started with me struggling to move my toes and then moving my foot in one direction. To get in and out of bed, I had to sit just right and use my other leg to lift the screwed up leg and then slide into bed. I was on my back (while in bed) for six months.
It was hell... The PT would bring tears to your eyes if you let it. Instead, you work through the pain and do your PT because that's the only way to ensure you have the best recovery possible.
I didn't miss hunting season - though it was exceedingly stupid and painful. We fashioned a platform on the back of a 4 wheeler and a buddy brought me into the woods and then towed me to a hide in a plastic sled! He had to do everything for me, except shoot the deer.
But, it was otherwise hell. The pain from the injury was really bad before I finally got opiates into me, which was over a couple of hour and AFTER being manipulated on an x-ray machine. Meaning they did things to my broken leg that we won't talk about.
That pain was probably about even with what I felt during PT, but the difference in PT is that you're doing it to yourself. Sometimes, the PT pain was worse than that, but you do it because you have to.
Your PT will be nothing like that. It'll suck, but it's nowhere near the level I endured. Kinda amusingly, I was pretty purple for a few months, as I was bruised over 80% of my body. I can't really complain too much. The price was paid because of my stupidity and I should probably be dead.