G'day Chris, G'day all
There is a simpler way, already installed with your Linux Mint, no need to install software (although Ukuu is fine).
Go to your System Tray, where there is an icon for your Update Manager, shaped like a shield. Green tick for up-to-date, white "i" on a blue background if updates are waiting.
Click View, and then Linux Kernels, you may get a warning.
Here you can install or delete kernels.
Ask any questions.
BTW Chris, if you are uncertain of your version of Mint -
GUI - option
With any of the 3 DE's, Cinnamon, MATE and Xfce, you can
- Click on Menu
- Start to type in welcome, its entry will appear
- Click that, it will tell you version and Desktop Environment
Terminal option
- Type in and enter
- You will get what you need plus a little more