I don't strongly know where should i ask this question, i consider this topic suit for it 
i'm trying to learn using GNS3, but....
1) i've made the simple topology
View attachment 158
all right! save topology...
2)try to load saved topology and.... ERROR!
View attachment 159
What does it mean??? Please, help me...
i've found the same problem in the Internet, but there someone have problems with paths to VMs, but my look right:
and parameters:
-name debian_1 -nographic -vnc :1
-name debian_2 -nographic -vnc :2

i'm trying to learn using GNS3, but....
1) i've made the simple topology
View attachment 158
all right! save topology...
2)try to load saved topology and.... ERROR!
View attachment 159
What does it mean??? Please, help me...
i've found the same problem in the Internet, but there someone have problems with paths to VMs, but my look right:
and parameters:
-name debian_1 -nographic -vnc :1
-name debian_2 -nographic -vnc :2