Gamer Soundoff

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Active Member
Nov 7, 2022
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Alright, so first things first; I have seemingly had trouble finding a "Gaming Linux" discussion forum/thread that was worth any salt. Either it was full of naysaying windows users talking about how hard it is to game on Linux and how "incompatible" so many games are. I'm just looking for a place that I can chill here at my Linux machine and talk to gamers about well; games and such.

No disrespect to you card players out there; but I'm talking modern gaming. Red Dead Redemption, Halo Infinite, Borderlands Games, Doom Games, No Man's Sky, Terraria, Valheim, Days Gone, Horizion Zero Dawn heck the list goes on... Modern gaming on Linux Machines.

I keep trying to find gamers out there that exclusively use Linux; and will likely be my last stop before just giving up. I exclusively use LInux; no exceptions. I abandoned windows entirely; and in regards to gaming, the only games I sincerely miss are the Tom Clancy titles Ghost Recon Breakpoint and The Division 2; thankfully I've got no issues with Wildlands. Aside of that, I'd not be exaggerating if I stated that since switching to Linux and putting in the time to learn the ropes needed to build an Arch Based gaming rig; I pretty much eat, sleep and breath Linux in terms of Gaming.
To the extent that I'm trying to learn how to script and program in addition to striving for my RHCSA Cert so that hopefully I can start contributing to compatibility efforts.

I enjoy gaming on Linux so much that I legitmately find it irritating when I see people report on ProtonDB and they've got 30 - 70 hours in game and <1 of that is on Linux.... that's not a report; that's a mild consideration. Typically I don't report unless I have 5-10 hours of Linux Gametime unless a game is legitimately borked. Though on newer games like Way of the Hunter, I clocked in 10-60- and 70 hours prior to filing my compatability reports. I just believe in thorough, sincere testing before making any kind of report.

Reading this over before posting I realize I may sound like a bit of a douche, but it's not intended; so I apologize if that's the case. I just came from LTT trying to talk about Linux and a troll got the best of me. I suppose the irritation lingers.

Anyway, long story long; I'd just like to find a place to call home where I can talk with Linux Gamers about Linux, and Gaming without being told how "impossible" it is. I just can't take those kind of people seriously.

Take care.

I use Fedora as my daily driver now days and I also game every now and then. I mostly play single player games and sometimes multiplayer games. I have found that gaming on Linux works just fine now days as long as you don't play any of the games that use the kernel level root-kit anit-cheats, ie: EAC and Battleye. Back in 2010 gaming on Linux was a lot harder and more limited as in what you could get working, now days you can get almost anything to run as long as it's not using Anti-cheat.
I mostly play single player games
Generally the same for me. I've got a few "online" games I play from time to time. But the average extent of my "online" play is that of playing on my dedicated servers with family across the country. Terraria, Valheim, Minecraft, and Ark to name a few.

Single player titles I've thoroughly enjoyed have been Way of the Hunter, Horizon Zero Dawn, Days Gone, and Divinity: Original Sin. Plenty more, but that's to name a few haha.

as long as you don't play any of the games that use the kernel level root-kit anit-cheat
Yeah. It's a shame that we've got the support but yet so few seemingly fail to enable it.

It's crazy to me how many people today still act like Linux hasn't made leaps and bounds in terms of gaming compatability.

Wonder if it's got anything to do with the fact that admitting so would be a direct admittance that we'd have to credit Valve and their propriety software for their vast contributions? I digress.
I personally only have a few games out of like 130+ games that haven't worked for me just by clicking the play button. Started keeping Proton-GE on hand just in case after State of Decay 2 wouldn't launch some time ago; but off the top of my head I think that's the only game I actually need it for at this time.
The only impression I got is that people who stream their gaming run into issues and a lot of peripheral hardware such as gaming keyboards and mice don't have Linux support so they may work but you can't tweak the settings or upgrade the firmware from Linux. Think of brands such as Razer, luckily there is the Openrazor project but plenty other gaming hardware that won't have Linux support.
The only impression I got is that people who stream their gaming run into issues
Can't say I've had any issues in that department. I streamed casually for a while playing games like WoW, and streamed some Days Gone for a while. OBS-Studio never gave me much grief.
a lot of peripheral hardware such as gaming keyboards and mice don't have Linux support
Yeah, switching to Linux basically rendered my Redragon M908 a regular mouse; as there's no native support that enables me to remap the side keys.
hink of brands such as Razer, luckily there is the Openrazor project
Can definitely understand the frustration some may have with the lack of hardware support in some areas. Thankfully I've got a Razer Keyboard so Openrazor and Polychromatic manage that department.

I'd read somewhere that one can use Windows VM's to use things like ICUE and ASUS AURA to control their RGB's and such, but I've never been able to get my VM's to recognize that hardware, so I just gave up.
I use ubuntu to play linux games just because steam is .deb package compatible. Sorry if nothing is good enough for you or if you haven't found my thread on linux gaming to be useful. If you want the most out of gaming, then try any linux distro, use an AMD card, and pirate.
Sorry if nothing is good enough for you
Not sure where this comes from. I game heavily off my Arch Linux distro.
or if you haven't found my thread on linux gaming to be useful
I just arrived to yesterday; and I didn't come here for support. My Arch gaming rig screams beautifully.
If you want the most out of gaming, then try any linux distro, use an AMD card,
I feel like you missed my forum signature at this point muh dude.
and pirate.
Pirating is for basement broke dwellers; if a game's worth playing, it's worth supporting the development team that put the years into developing it.
Not sure where this comes from. I game heavily off my Arch Linux distro.

I just arrived to yesterday; and I didn't come here for support. My Arch gaming rig screams beautifully.

I feel like you missed my forum signature at this point muh dude.

Pirating is for basement broke dwellers; if a game's worth playing, it's worth supporting the development team that put the years into developing it.
Not sure why i need to be perfect in your presense, this is a support question forum if you have not noticed! Have a nice life! Sorry for "whining about how something doesn't work", if you don't like scummy basement dwellers then just pay for everything, you will be surrounded by achievers shortly!
t sure why i need to be perfect in your presense
I don't expect anybody to be perfect; but I do expect people to read the OP and reply within context of the post. I fail to see how your initial response had anything to do with my OP in any way.

Cheaters, Pirates, are indeed scummy basement dwellers. And I do pay for everything; because I work for a living; so I have the money to buy things that I desire rather than be a thief and pirate content I'm perfectly capable of paying for.

The forum I posted too is titled "Linux Gaming", not "Linux Gaming Support"; therefor I was under the impression that general Linux Gaming discussion would be welcome. Simply reading my OP would have suggested and been quite apparent that I was in no way seeking support in any manner.

I suppose good luck with your pirating, or cheating, or whatever you're into.
I don't expect anybody to be perfect; but I do expect people to read the OP and reply within context of the post. I fail to see how your initial response had anything to do with my OP in any way.

Cheaters, Pirates, are indeed scummy basement dwellers. And I do pay for everything; because I work for a living; so I have the money to buy things that I desire rather than be a thief and pirate content I'm perfectly capable of paying for.

The forum I posted too is titled "Linux Gaming", not "Linux Gaming Support"; therefor I was under the impression that general Linux Gaming discussion would be welcome. Simply reading my OP would have suggested and been quite apparent that I was in no way seeking support in any manner.

I suppose good luck with your pirating, or cheating, or whatever you're into.
Just stop spewing BS out of your mouth if you want people to read everything you write, theres a lot more than people whining about gaming, and ive known a couple other pirates over the past couple years and they don't live in basements. What a silly post, this is a goodbye poll yet you are still talking to me.
general Linux Gaming discussion would be welcome.

And indeed it should be. Most importantly, it should be a civil place for discussion.

If folks aren't going to be civil, I have to put on my moderator hat. Let's just avoid that.
And indeed it should be. Most importantly, it should be a civil place for discussion.

If folks aren't going to be civil, I have to put on my moderator hat. Let's just avoid that.
Does making false generalizations sound like "civil discussion"? What about an overly confrontational post when someone was being polite? I really hate it that people online just constantly want to project even when i go to great lengths not to offend anyone.

Plus, paying for video games through steam does not constitute pirating.
I really hate it that people online just constantly want to project even when i go to great lengths not to offend anyone.

You can just avoid the conversation entirely. You're not actually obligated to respond.

You also should not be advocating piracy. We don't condone piracy here.
If folks aren't going to be civil, I have to put on my moderator hat. Let's just avoid that.
You also should not be advocating piracy. We don't condone piracy here.
I appreciate a moderators voice on this. Apologies for getting defensive in my responses. I just don't take kindly for standing on what is morally right with integrity and having the likes of pirates accuse me of spewing bs. Won't happen again.
Won't happen again.

We're usually pretty civil but sometimes people are emotionally attached to a subject. It happens.

While I am a moderator, I try to not have a heavy hand. We do have a strict policy against political, religious, and sexuality types of discussions. It can be hard to discuss some subjects with those rules, but then there are always other sites to discuss those things. The rules in place are pretty good, else I'd not have accepted the position.
else I'd not have accepted the position
When it comes to Linux I tend to find most rules are based on common sense and common courtesy so I get it.

Your method of moderation is respectable to me in that you get your point across while being tolerant and understanding to some degree based on circumstance. Gives me hope for the future here in that so long as I mind my P's and Q's I should be fine lol.

Sure hate that so many have taken to "discord" for communications. I haven't used forums in years, but tend to prefer it these days. Conversations tend to seem more genuine, sincere, and thought out on a forum; as opposed to the one liners and "lol's" of instant chat.

Pretty proud of my Arch system . Increasingly so after having had a few Linux Vets commend me for building a stable Arch Gaming rig. I did have lots of problems to resolve but in hind sight it never felt too laborous and felt rather easy overall. But they made me feel like it was an achievement so I'll take it.

I don't feel that Arch is somehow "complicated" , all I ever did was follow directions and read a lot on drivers and packages. It's definitely more technical, but no more complicated than any other distro I've run. To me it feels more "simple" than the other distro's I've run, as strange as that may sound to someone who's not familiar with Arch outside of all the "I use Arch....btw" gate keepers. Can't personally stand the elitist mindset of so many Arch users out there. It is what it is I suppose.

I'll be checking in frequently. I'd like to be of help to those who may be struggling to get gaming stabliity on their rigs. I figure if they've made it as far as to have installed LInux; they're committed enough to at least try and learn. Hopefully I'll be able to be of assistance here and there, provided the forums are active.

Anyway, have a great evening/morning/afternoon!
Your method of moderation is respectable to me in that you get your point across while being tolerant and understanding to some degree based on circumstance.

It's less work to give someone a nudge than it is to ban someone.

Well, probably not. It's just a couple of clicks to ban someone. I still avoid doing so unless I absolutely have to. I also make sure you're well aware of what the consequences will be before I act.

Mostly, I like to sip some wine and help people with their Linux problems. A whole lot of my hours are dedicated to Linux. We have a great forum here, with some great helpers. Without them, the forum would not be nearly as good.

Winter is on the way and I'm not going anywhere for long. So, the shorter days will have me inside more often. I'll get to work on the various projects and enjoy the snow and cold.

Again, we all sometimes get emotional - especially with certain subjects. It's gonna happen in any community of any size. I find people respond well or tucker themselves out fairly quickly.
You Should Check Out my Youtube Channel then. As a hardcore linux Gamer or just a hardcore gamer since i play on everything even Consoles and use all my free time on games. i dont agree with many of the thing you say since i personlly have close to no problem playing most games on linux with Proton on Steam beside anti-cheat Games even Halo Infinite is getting more and more supported i still have problem with that game but it run and that's a beginning.
I use ubuntu to play linux games just because steam is .deb package compatible. Sorry if nothing is good enough for you or if you haven't found my thread on linux gaming to be useful. If you want the most out of gaming, then try any linux distro, use an AMD card, and pirate.
I still hold the opinion that NVIDIA is better for gaming on linux.
I still hold the opinion that NVIDIA is better for gaming on linux.
I stand with you on this. I go against the grain of the "AMD's been open source longer!". To me, that doesn't matter. I've got both AMD and Nvidia GPU systems and my Nvidia rigs just seem to do better. Then again, I use proprietary drivers. Can't get Wayland, or Open Source drivers to ever work with my Nvidia rigs. X11 and Propriety provide me with concrete stable screaming machines.

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