The filesystem table (/etc/fstab) has a column that contains various parameters that are read by the mounting utility. Many options are applicable to most or all filesystems. Then, there are some filesystem-specific options. Knowing most of these options can be quite beneficial to admins and general users.
General Settings
Linux-specific General Settings
Filesystem Specific
Further Reading
General Settings
- async - Asynchronous read and write
- auto - Mount the filesystem on bootup
- defaults - The typical setting for the filesystem being edited
- dev - Recognize special block device files
- exec - Allow executables to be executed
- noauto - Do not mount the filesystem on bootup
- nodev - Do not recognize special block device files
- noexec - Do not permit executables to be executed
- nosuid - Forbid the use of SUID
- ro - Read-only
- rw - Read+Write
- suid - Allow the use of SUID
- sync - Synchronous read and write
Linux-specific General Settings
- atime - Last access time
- ctime - Last status change time
- mtime - Last modified time
- noatime - Do not record last access time
- owner - Allow the specified owner to mount the filesystem (owner=bob)
- relatime - The last access time is updated if it is older than the last modified time
- strictatime - Same as atime
Filesystem Specific
- guest - This option indicates that passwords are not required to access the server share
- iocharset - Set the I/O character set (iocharset=utf8)
- password - The password needed to access the share; this is the password of the Windows system
- uid - Declare the owner of the share by UID
- username - The user trying to access the share; this is the username of the Windows system
- check - Set the fsck checking level (none, normal, or strict)
- debug - Print debug info
- sb - Declare the location of the superblock by specifying a block (sb=5)
- check - Check filenames to ensure that the correct naming schemes are used; choices include "r" (relaxed), "n" (normal), and "s" (strict)
- conv - Perform DOS and Unix text-file conversions; choices include "b" (binary), "t" (text), and "a" (auto)
- dmask - Set the user directory creation mode mask
- fmask - Set the user file creation mode mask
- gid - Set the GID to give to files
- uid - Set the UID to give to files
- umask - Set the user file/directory creation mode mask
- windows_names - Only permit characters accepted by Windows to be used in directory and file names
- addr - Set the IP address
Further Reading
- /etc/fstab Explained - http://www.linux.org/threads/etc-fstab-explained.7214/
- Manual Mounting - http://www.linux.org/threads/manual-mounting.7253/
- Filesystems (Reading Guide) - http://www.linux.org/threads/filesystem-article-index.6028/
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