Forgot my own admin password after Timeshare command


New Member
Dec 15, 2024
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I am a "novice" LM user. My system is LM 64 Cinnimon 20.3 Dell Optiplex processor. I decided to try the "timeshare" command to restore info from about 4 months ago. When the timeshare process was complete, I could not recall the administrators pass word I used at that time. I have since tried to determine what it was to no avail. When I boot the system, it returns to the start up LM page showing two users: Mine of course and another I created for guest at that time which requires no password. However regarding my own user, I cannot access anything, I cannot update my LM software, or make any modifications, etc., on my own system because I cannot recall my admin password.

I am a "novice" LM user. My system is LM 64 Cinnimon 20.3 Dell Optiplex processor. I decided to try the "timeshare" command to restore info from about 4 months ago. When the timeshare process was complete, I could not recall the administrators pass word I used at that time. I have since tried to determine what it was to no avail. When I boot the system, it returns to the start up LM page showing two users: Mine of course and another I created for guest at that time which requires no password. However regarding my own user, I cannot access anything, I cannot update my LM software, or make any modifications, etc., on my own system because I cannot recall my admin password.
Novices, like any linux user can benefit greatly from knowing how to reset their root passwords. Below is a link which may prompt some learning for the novice, but, as an old colleague of mine said to me when I was learning linux, "every linux user should know how to reset a lost password". See here for a couple of methods:

G'day Noviceman, Welcome to

Give this a try. I have not used it may need to let the video run a couple of times to get the gist of it.

The idea is this. get the grub menu to come up on your screen. This is where the screen will look like the below...

I note that @osprey has also posted here....just above this post....the instructions shown in the link he has supplied are good and clear......I will leave you to read those first.

Any back
I once had a similar problem where I forgot my admin password. I tried resetting it via recovery mode with passwd your-username but unfortunately that didn't work. After that, I searched online for 'find hacker' and finally found a service that helped me with password recovery. I hope you can solve it too.
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Ich hatte mal ein.......

FYI this forum is english only as far as I am aware

google translation below:

I once had a similar problem where I forgot my admin password. I tried resetting it via recovery mode with passwd your-username but unfortunately that didn't work. After that, I searched online for 'find hacker help' and finally found a service that helped me with password recovery. I hope you can solve it too.
Reminder: We do not help by translating posts. It is their job to translate.

Also, they're just a spam bot. They aren't configured properly but the bit about searching for a hacker usually contains an email address or a link to a website.
I decided to try the "timeshare" command to restore info from about 4 months ago. When the timeshare process was complete, ...

G'day @Noviceman55 ... is that supposed to be Timeshift?

Chris Turner

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