When I finish installing Ubuntu what is the first thing I should do?
Apart from take a tour.
Apart from take a tour.
This maybe looks great on Windows Systems, but Ubuntu has already a Account for this. It's called "root" and you should simply enabling it, when you need it! Anyhow, the concept of sudo is that your able to become system administrator without having an extra Account for this.Suggest creating two accounts for yourself -- one User account, one Administrator account.
Former to use online and with most-used apps; latter to administer the system. Look at Group memberships, especially Default settings on User account. In Advanced under Administrator account, you may want to enable everything. You will most likely have to do some research online with the User account to get the gist of how to do these things.
sudo apt-get update #To get you sources updated
ping -c 2 www.google.de
ping -c 2 www.google.de
I prefer the official Google Chrome version personally, Chromium lacks some features I like.Visit the Ubuntu Software Centre and grab some interesting things. Most of the software are free and are really helpful to use. First thing I would suggest to get is get chromium, which is a substitute for Google Chrome for Linux Based systems and is equally as fast for web browsing.
I prefer the official Google Chrome version personally, Chromium lacks some features I like.
Is there an official version for Linux? Hmmm, I never knew....
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Ubuntu is not Linux in the same way that Germany is not Europe!
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What's the problem? I never said otherwise! I just want newbies to not just look at one thing, but to explore.
One is but a part of a whole. To be blind to that is to be close-minded!
And to be close-minded is to be willfully ignorant -- inexcusable!
First thing I do is get Ubuntu up to date before anything happens, and then I install Google Chrome, and then browse the Software Center for stuff.