Concerning the performance/spooling challenges discussed in another posting, and following through with the many suggestions, I extended testing to other browsers as suggested. If testing what may seem to be browser related issues, I keep a library of 8 up to date browsers with no additional extensions (portable as to not cross-contaminate) available to test before I request assistance.
In this instance, I did not go further than Firefox as it is the default installed browser in Ubuntu 24.x.x and Linux Mint Wilma. One person suggested to try different browsers. I tried the same test with Brave with the same consistent results, no spooling or slowdown.
Most of the solutions offered were Swapfile/Swap partition related. RAM or the lack of, even though I mentioned I had 16GB installed with never less than 12GB available.
My network, both WiFi and Cat6, and Internet infrastructures are fully tested by my self once a month and on-site by an outside source once a year. My ISP has replaced their hardware including the router, indoor wiring and outside hardware with in the last 18 – 24 months. I pay for a Fiber Optic 100/20 connection. Very clean connection with little to no errors. It is a consistent 85% to 110%… or nothing. The reality of a remote, harsh area. The ISP provides me with a static IP for a bit of my feedback. Inside network is also assigned static IP, instead of on DHCP… because I can.
DO NOT try or consider anything I have found without your own verification. There are bound to be more or different findings along with possible solutions. – just please consider this is what a newbie found and I would love to read your observations. There are year long "Battles" about Firefox and Linux (Mint and Ubuntu)
My 6 week old Linux Mint 22.x.x and Ubuntu 24.x.x both have preinstalled Firefox Browser and LibreOffice along with much more. Seems like a cool idea to add value by helping newbies and windows refuges become productive. For me, all was fine until I wanted to stream football using my Amazon account.
=============== S U M M A R Y ====================================
When Firefox came preinstalled with Linux Mint was long before my time (years ago).There seems to be a special Firefox version built for Linux Mint only. Same with Ubuntu only.
At the top of the Settings page for Firefox, it states “Updates disabled by your administrator". And under Help→ About Firefox...
It seems the Ubuntu version may update automatically while the LinuxMint version is a manual update.
IMO, the problems/errors/failures to the “Play” when trying to use Amazon Prime seems to be isolated to the “Special version of Firefox that comes preinstalled in LinuxMint 22. If not kept updated to the most current version, Amazon seems to know and Errors-Out.
If Firefox for LinuxMint is currently up to date – NO PROBLEMS VIEWING. Instant load, fast play. Made a few changes in About:Config and blazing results.
Even after a Manual update, I changed browser Settings to what I have used for years. I have not found how to make these setting persistent from session to session. Some settings will revert to Firefox/Linux agreed setting while I look on others in the next session. (see above screenshots)
Firefox/LinuxMint seems to define what Cookies and History are kept and for how long, regardless of your preferences. I also read that they say this is to serve me better. Sounds all too Microsoft for me.
In both Ubuntu 24 and Mint Wilma distros, LibreOffice is preinstalled. I also found some preferences and setting locked against change.
I found the explanation of much of this on the LinuxMint website HERE
My solution may be uninstall both Firefox and LibreOffice – Reinstall a regular version of Firefox. Get auto updates and my preference settings on Cookies and History. If not I'll just dump Firefox.
With LibreOffice I only need Write and Calc. Check to see preference choices are allowed. If not, dump LibreOffice.
Firefox and LinuxMint could not provide a combined install value without both parties agreeing to the terms.
Wondering about LinuxMint and/or Firefox acting like Microsoft – I will not stand for it and may have to dump LinuxMint too.
Thank you @wizardfromoz @bob466 @Trenix25 @Fanboi @Condobloke @Aristarchus
In this instance, I did not go further than Firefox as it is the default installed browser in Ubuntu 24.x.x and Linux Mint Wilma. One person suggested to try different browsers. I tried the same test with Brave with the same consistent results, no spooling or slowdown.
Most of the solutions offered were Swapfile/Swap partition related. RAM or the lack of, even though I mentioned I had 16GB installed with never less than 12GB available.
My network, both WiFi and Cat6, and Internet infrastructures are fully tested by my self once a month and on-site by an outside source once a year. My ISP has replaced their hardware including the router, indoor wiring and outside hardware with in the last 18 – 24 months. I pay for a Fiber Optic 100/20 connection. Very clean connection with little to no errors. It is a consistent 85% to 110%… or nothing. The reality of a remote, harsh area. The ISP provides me with a static IP for a bit of my feedback. Inside network is also assigned static IP, instead of on DHCP… because I can.

DO NOT try or consider anything I have found without your own verification. There are bound to be more or different findings along with possible solutions. – just please consider this is what a newbie found and I would love to read your observations. There are year long "Battles" about Firefox and Linux (Mint and Ubuntu)
My 6 week old Linux Mint 22.x.x and Ubuntu 24.x.x both have preinstalled Firefox Browser and LibreOffice along with much more. Seems like a cool idea to add value by helping newbies and windows refuges become productive. For me, all was fine until I wanted to stream football using my Amazon account.
=============== S U M M A R Y ====================================
When Firefox came preinstalled with Linux Mint was long before my time (years ago).There seems to be a special Firefox version built for Linux Mint only. Same with Ubuntu only.
At the top of the Settings page for Firefox, it states “Updates disabled by your administrator". And under Help→ About Firefox...
It seems the Ubuntu version may update automatically while the LinuxMint version is a manual update.
IMO, the problems/errors/failures to the “Play” when trying to use Amazon Prime seems to be isolated to the “Special version of Firefox that comes preinstalled in LinuxMint 22. If not kept updated to the most current version, Amazon seems to know and Errors-Out.
If Firefox for LinuxMint is currently up to date – NO PROBLEMS VIEWING. Instant load, fast play. Made a few changes in About:Config and blazing results.
Even after a Manual update, I changed browser Settings to what I have used for years. I have not found how to make these setting persistent from session to session. Some settings will revert to Firefox/Linux agreed setting while I look on others in the next session. (see above screenshots)
Firefox/LinuxMint seems to define what Cookies and History are kept and for how long, regardless of your preferences. I also read that they say this is to serve me better. Sounds all too Microsoft for me.
In both Ubuntu 24 and Mint Wilma distros, LibreOffice is preinstalled. I also found some preferences and setting locked against change.
I found the explanation of much of this on the LinuxMint website HERE
My solution may be uninstall both Firefox and LibreOffice – Reinstall a regular version of Firefox. Get auto updates and my preference settings on Cookies and History. If not I'll just dump Firefox.
With LibreOffice I only need Write and Calc. Check to see preference choices are allowed. If not, dump LibreOffice.
Firefox and LinuxMint could not provide a combined install value without both parties agreeing to the terms.
Wondering about LinuxMint and/or Firefox acting like Microsoft – I will not stand for it and may have to dump LinuxMint too.
Thank you @wizardfromoz @bob466 @Trenix25 @Fanboi @Condobloke @Aristarchus
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