You are already uid=1000 by default, as the first normal (non-root) user set up by the system.
... should show rado and 1000
Also, although you may only be showing an example above with the NTFS partitions/drives, that method might have relevance if you are playing games that were Windows-based and you want to be able to access them (say, under Steam or Proton) under Linux so as not to have to set up new files, but other than that you are lowering security.
@Rob has, at the beginning
We will show you how to understand file permission symbols and how to modify certain files so that they're more secure.
My highlighting.
Besides, in Linux, you already have root privileges over Windows NTFS files and folders.
An example is here
chris@Tara-MATE:~$ cd /media/chris/OS/Windows/System32/GroupPolicy
chris@Tara-MATE:/media/chris/OS/Windows/System32/GroupPolicy$ ls -l
total 1
-rwxrwxrwx 1 chris chris 128 Mar 5 13:45 GPT.INI
drwxrwxrwx 1 chris chris 0 Feb 2 13:07 Machine
drwxrwxrwx 1 chris chris 0 Feb 2 13:07 User
So I already own those files and folders, without having to change anything.
Chmod (this Tutorial's subject) and chown are designed to be able to change the defaults of user access as part of a secure
plan by the Administrator, as well as, in the case of chown, modifying downloaded files to make them executable.
Again as Rob has said, in 2013,
chmod 777 mydoc.txt read, write, execute for all! (may not be the best plan in the world...)
Whatever works for you with fstab, though, is great, it is a very useful file.
Chris Turner