Expirion is alive again


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2024
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Well I did start my Expirion Linux back up again after about a year off from it - I did think I was just going to end it and let it drift off into the Linux dead zone along with my old name (Lord Boltar) - but my wife of some 42 years now talked me into bringing it back - there is only one version and that is Xfce based on Devuan - it can be download here if anyone is interested - https://sourceforge.net/projects/expirion-linux/
It uses the Refracta installer for instillation

Wives...they can be wonderful people for talking good sense into us from a different perspective.

Glad to hear it.


@The Duck ...have you given Expirion a run ?
I attempted one time a long while back before it was Devuan based but ran into some difficulties with the wired internet connection.

Have you?
I just fired it up around 20 minutes ago.

WOW....quick !

Loads up easily, quickly and simply

It has a surprising number of apps which I use already included

I am not usually a user of Debian, so I was feeling my way around carefully......but it became fairly intuitive after a few minutes

it has Syanptic there as the software manager

It automatically recognised my two monitors....no fuss or bother....auto set the resolution to 1920 x 1080

Only thing I could not figure out was how to get the icon for Bitwarden password manager to appear....

Internet connection had no troubles....no troubles with sound......it just worked, OOTB

I like it.
I get

SHA1 - 22fbbaa657b9897bafd3e52b11e25aa622792a29
SHA256 - 7f8c9a30d4300fbc34008659274b0a2c22bbfcad5a9388fb7f990b8cf52a1198
SHA512 - 71faac13f1d0e26e5b69a666c97be17140f556c7c4abee1da603717396944e937b801b7b40132a5017f310bfe9daa4be3874dd0d06d2aed5d4cd834040880a97

If they are correct, @GatorsFan , we could leave them here?


I just fired it up around 20 minutes ago.

WOW....quick !

Loads up easily, quickly and simply

It has a surprising number of apps which I use already included

I am not usually a user of Debian, so I was feeling my way around carefully......but it became fairly intuitive after a few minutes

it has Syanptic there as the software manager

It automatically recognised my two monitors....no fuss or bother....auto set the resolution to 1920 x 1080

Only thing I could not figure out was how to get the icon for Bitwarden password manager to appear....

Internet connection had no troubles....no troubles with sound......it just worked, OOTB

I like it.

Good Morning,

Cool I may give it a try I've always liked Debian and Debian based Linux distros as Debian is always been rock solid stability leastwise for me.

I believe Devuan is system init don't know for certain and if it is than that may explain why it's so quick.

I've read good things about Devuan Linux distros.
I get

SHA1 - 22fbbaa657b9897bafd3e52b11e25aa622792a29
SHA256 - 7f8c9a30d4300fbc34008659274b0a2c22bbfcad5a9388fb7f990b8cf52a1198
SHA512 - 71faac13f1d0e26e5b69a666c97be17140f556c7c4abee1da603717396944e937b801b7b40132a5017f310bfe9daa4be3874dd0d06d2aed5d4cd834040880a97

If they are correct, @GatorsFan , we could leave them here?


Only thing I could not figure out was how to get the icon for Bitwarden password manager to appear
It uses KeepassXC not Bitwarden - if you installed Bitwarden later then it might be under Accessories that is where KeepassXC is anyway
Good Morning,

Cool I may give it a try I've always liked Debian and Debian based Linux distros as Debian is always been rock solid stability leastwise for me.

I believe Devuan is system init don't know for certain and if it is than that may explain why it's so quick.

I've read good things about Devuan Linux distros.
Yes Devuan is SysVInit, - no systemd - it does save some RAM

Also there is an issue when you click on your user on the top left corner of the Menu (where the arrow is)- you will get an error - simply install mugshot to fix it - I forgot to install it - well when you are a development of one you might miss something once in a while - the latest version (240604) I just uploaded is fixed - thanks


sudo apt install mugshot
Last edited:
Expirion Linux upgrades on 11July2024
Kernel to 6.7.12+bpo - Firefox-ESR 115.13 -plus a few internal upgrades as well

If you do not know what the bpo on the kernel is - it stand for back ports - so the Kernel is from Debian back ports
Glad it's back will give it a spin after the weekend thanks for your work.
Upgraded Expirion 5.0.1 on 24 July 2024 - has kernel 6.9.7+bpo - LibreOffice 24.8.0 Fresh - and several internal updates as well

Upgraded Kail Everyday on 31 July 2024
Upgraded Debian 12.6 Redux Gnome on 31 July 2024
Upgraded Expirion 6.0 Testing on 31 July 2024

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