want to use kali
Then use it, and quit asking for help. Almost everyone here is going to tell you the same thing.
Don't pick the most complicated one to learn on.
want to use kali
[HEADING=1]Kali's Default Credentials[/HEADING]
Kali changed to a non-root user policy by default since the release of 2020.1.
This means:
[*]During the installation of amd64 and i386 images, it will prompt you for a standard user account to be created.
[*]Any default operating system credentials used during Live Boot, or pre-created image (like Virtual Machines & ARM) will be:
[*]User: kali
[*]Password: kali
[*]Vagrant image (based on their policy):
[*]Username: vagrant
[*]Password: vagrant
[*]Amazon EC2:
[*]User: kali
[*]Password: <ssh key>
[HEADING=1]Default Tool Credentials[/HEADING]
Some tools shipped with Kali, will use their own default hardcoded credentials (others will generate a new password the first time its used). The following tools have the default values:
[*]Username: beef
[*]Password: beef
[*]Configuration File: /etc/beef-xss/config.yaml
[*]User: root
[*]Password: (blank)
[*]Setup Program: mysql_secure_installation
[*]Username: admin
[*]Password: <Generated during setup>
[*]Setup Program: openvas-setup
[*]Username: postgres
[*]Password: postgres
[*]Configuration File: /usr/share/metasploit-framework/config/database.yml
[*]Username: empireadmin
[*]Password: password123
What did you use to flash Kali to thumb drive and what OS did you use - if you used Windowz use Rufus to flash it Etcher has been known to cause issues with KaliGNU GRUB VERSION 2.04-20kali
minimal BASH-like line editing is supported