Yes, in a standard C/C++ application you could use fork and exec, or popen in a callback to fire off another process, but
@blackneos940 was asking about QT, so I'm trying to keep it strictly QT related. QT has several classes that help with controlling processes and multithreading etc.
As an update - I finally found an up to date resource in the QT5 documentation which describes how to create a QT GUI by hand - without using qtcreator or qtdesigner:
The above page is part of an
addressbook tutorial I found in the "
layouts" section of the
qt5 Widgets documentation.
For now, I'm only interested in the UI design section where they create the UI using code, without having to use 'QT designer'.
So I will take a good look at that either at lunch-time today or tonight and will try to update the example project I'm working on for you.
If I can get it building/working without the .ui files - my example will no longer require qtcreator/designer and should fit
ALL of your requirements.
But then I'll have to re-draft the tutorial post I've started working on too!
Whilst I'm working on updating my 'Using a QT button to start a process' tutorial, you might also want to take a look at some of the QT documentation that I have linked in this post, including the complete addressbook tutorial (see 2nd link).
In order to be able to follow the tutorials and documentation - you will need to be familiar with some basic C++, including creating and using classes.
I'll also assume that you already have the appropriate qt5 libraries and tools installed.