[quote taken from above link]
The support for the MX250 was added with the 418.56 driver, so this should work. I rather suspect that the stock kernel of Ubuntu 16.04 is too old to properly drive your integrated intel gpu. Please upgrade your HWE stack: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack
Afterwards, install the 430 driver and run nvidia-bug-report.sh as root and attach the resulting .gz file to your post. Hovering the mouse over an existing post of yours will reveal a paperclip icon. https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/...ements/attaching-files-to-forum-topics-posts/
Nvidia released a new long-lived display driver for GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris operating systems to add support for a couple of recent graphics cards and fix...