Diving in!


New Member
Jan 7, 2024
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Hi all,

I am making the transition over to Linux and this was the first forum that I came across. Looking forward to getting involved with the community and enhancing my knowledge (without hopefully too many mistakes along the way). I have a few hobbies, I enjoy learning about operational security, the dark web activities and the motivation behind them (big sucker for documentaries relating to these topics) and website development/system administration.

My goal for 2024 is to become at least a little less of a noob in the Linux world and upgrade to the £5 membership.

See you around! :D

Welcome to the forums
Thank you both for the welcome.

Big thank you, @kc1di for the link to some literature! I have added this to my reading list. :D
Welcome aboard.

I have a few links in my signature that might be worth reading.
Welcome aboard.

I have a few links in my signature that might be worth reading.
Thank you for the welcome and the links! I will have a little look at them & your hosting.
Thank you for the welcome and the links! I will have a little look at them & your hosting.

Heh... I'd forgotten that I still had that link in there. It's nothing special, just cPanel on a reseller account. It's pretty entry-level stuff that's more of a hobby than anything else. It's entirely a one-man show (though upstream is awesome) but I have some pretty sweet uptime!
Heh... I'd forgotten that I still had that link in there. It's nothing special, just cPanel on a reseller account. It's pretty entry-level stuff that's more of a hobby than anything else. It's entirely a one-man show (though upstream is awesome) but I have some pretty sweet uptime!
I've had a look and it's a fantastic offer. Once I get a few things in my tech world squared away, I will be in contact with you to take you up on this offer as it will suit a blog that I wish to start sooner rather than later. I've been fiddling around with websites for a little while now, nothing substantial however I would love to support your business instead of these organisations that couldn't care less if I was a customer of theirs or not.

I will send you an email from your contact us section sometime during the week to get the ball rolling.

P.S Signed up for your newsletter and congrats on 500 articles!!
Welcome to the Forum.
G'day rs-24, Welcome to Linux.org


Simplicity works every time....well, most of the time. When it doesn't work, ask a question at Linux.org

Simple !
G'day rs-24, Welcome to Linux.org


Simplicity works every time....well, most of the time. When it doesn't work, ask a question at Linux.org

Simple !
Thanks for the welcome, @Condobloke

A big thank you for the reminder also! We can get caught up sometimes with the complexity of things, making them much harder then they need to be so I always appreciate the nudge back to reality and to always K.I.S.S!
Welcome from another Antipodean (Aussie).

Enjoy the Linux journey.

Chris Turner
Welcome from another Antipodean (Aussie).

Enjoy the Linux journey.

Chris Turner
Thank you for the kinds words.

Do wish to visit one day, however, I am afraid of flying so who knows when that will be haha.

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