Parrot seems very good! Will give it a go!
I really need to clear something.
Linux for web development is better than windows right?
Is linux better than macOS for this purpose?
If so it's good news as i already got a dell workstation!
PS: Plagueos seems quite secure to. But maybe not as functional as parrot.
PlagueOS (hardened Void musl configuration) has officially transitioned to 0xacab.org: https://0xacab.org/optout/plagueos http://wmj5kiic7b6kjplpbvwadnht2nh2qnkbnqtcv3dyvpqtz7ssbssftxid.onion/optout/plagueos
Lots of the worlds websites are hosted on Linux servers, so Linux is a good
choice for web design. I use Lubuntu, had my first issue with it in years today,
after an update I lost the WiFi Icon, Wifi still worked, and I found a fix for the issue.
Lubuntu is lightweight, it uses the apt package manager, and the Muon package
manager is also installed it also has a graphical package manager listed under the
the title of Discover, either one provides every tool required for webdesign,
apache web server, php, jre, and there are so many other webservers you can download
and install, I use apache and php myself on Lubuntu. I installed filezilla for ftp access, works
without fail. As a desktop, I use opera, chrome, firefox, brave and even edge,
I installed the Reaper Daw, it runs flawlessly, even plays video, I installed audacity,
obs studio for streaming, libre office for office apps, thunderbird for email, I even installed
WhatsApp for linux, and signal messenger, there is nothing I can not do in Lubuntu.
But the Mac OS is the same, apps for everything, so much choice.
Linux Lite is another lightweight fully featured distro, it is even more suited to
people coming from windows, it has a backup program which might come in
handy if you make a mistake and mess something up, it will be my next OS,
am going to give it a try on a small laptop just to test it.
I use rsync to back up my files, from the terminal, not difficult but thei gui based
one in Linux Lite is a safer option for people newish to Linux.