dhcpcd.service does not exist (Virtualbox)


Oct 23, 2019
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"superboy" again...
When I was installing Arch Linux, I found out that when I typed
systemctl enable dhcpcd.service
it said that the service did not exist! I skipped this thinking it was not much of a big deal. But after the installation, I tried to ping google.com. And it failed to ping. So I thought it must be that dhcpcd error.

This was really weird because when I checked for a solution for this on the internet, I couldn't find a solution to it. Instead, I found questions asking dhcpcd.service did not start correctly. I tried commands they suggested in that problem for this problem but it seems that it's still not a solution for me.

Is there any way to get it working or do I have to boot the live CD again, connect to the internet and install the dhcpcd.service manually?

It sure looks like it isn't installed.

I'm not that familiar with pacman, but I think something like..

pacman -Qe | grep dhcp

..would show if it is installed.
Is there any way to get it working or do I have to boot the live CD again, connect to the internet and install the dhcpcd.service manually?

As dos2unix said the first thing is to check is dhcpd is installed. I'm not familiar with Arch but there should be a command to trigger a package reinstallation.

Something like :
# pacman -S dhcp

If you want your network to be usable to proceed to changes you can always add manually an IP address to your network interface (replace IP_ADDRESS by a valid address for your network and DEVICE by the device name of your network card) :
# ip addr add IP_ADDRESS/24 dev DEVICE
In Superboy's other Thread, I refer to post-installation procedures


It is a good idea if you first synchronise databases as I show here with mine

[chris@archvm ~]$ sudo pacman -Syy
[sudo] password for chris:
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core                     134.1 KiB  1032K/s 00:00 [############] 100%
extra                   1643.1 KiB  1110K/s 00:01 [############] 100%
community                  4.9 MiB  1105K/s 00:05 [############] 100%
archlinuxfr               10.6 KiB  1056K/s 00:00 [############] 100%
[chris@archvm ~]$


sudo pacman -Syu

will deliver any updates available - you can combine the two with

sudo pacman -Syyu

... but I prefer to run them individually.

Once complete

pacman -Qi dhcpcd

# or

pacman -Q --info dhcpcd

will tell the story, eg

[chris@archvm ~]$ pacman -Q --info dhcpcd
Name            : dhcpcd
Version         : 8.0.6-1
Description     : RFC2131 compliant DHCP client daemon
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             : https://roy.marples.name/projects/dhcpcd/
Licenses        : BSD
Groups          : base
Provides        : dhcp-client
Depends On      : glibc  sh  udev  systemd-libs
Optional Deps   : openresolv: resolvconf support [installed]
Required By     : None
Optional For    : netctl
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Installed Size  : 411.00 KiB
Packager        : Antonio Rojas <[email protected]>
Build Date      : Tue 08 Oct 2019 03:20:29 AEST
Install Date    : Sun 20 Oct 2019 07:55:45 AEST
Install Reason  : Explicitly installed
Install Script  : No
Validated By    : Signature


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I was anyways about to reinstall Arch linux..
So before I rebooted the system, I went ahead and did this:
pacman -S dhcpcd

That actually solved my problem. Maybe just installing the dhcpcd package will solve the problem using a network adapter or something. But my other question is, why this case occurred only for me?
But my other question is, why this case occurred only for me?

I encountered this problem too.
I'm new to ArchLinux. I installed arch on Windows10, VirtualBox this November. The missing dhcpcd.service problem occurred to me.

By doing
pacman -S dhcpcd
systemctl enable dhcpcd
can solve this problem.