Dell is re-branding it's line of laptops.

Hmm... First, it's "its". "Also it is PC branding."

Second... It's a bold move. I can say that the new names are pretty solid choices and easy to associate with a product level. It reduces complexity, making it easier for new consumers.

Third... They have a whole lot of goodwill associated with their other brand names. People know those products and are used to those product names. In some cases, they may not even realize they're using a Dell and only know it as an XPS (for example).

Closure... I think the average consumer can figure it out. I'd suggest something like a strong ad campaign to make people aware of the change. They should make this known to more than just us geeks who read the tech news and doing that properly will likely determine how well this ends up.
Well I used to own an old Insprion and it was a good machine. But it died after I had gifted it to one of my Grand Daughters. But it worked well for about 12 years. Not bad. But I agree the re-branding will make it easier for most to Identify the machine they need.
12 years is considered pretty good, so that's not terrible. HDDs are expected to last like 5 years before they die. We regularly exceed the numbers but that's getting more than we "should" expect.

That said, the refurb I bought a while back was a SFF Dell of some denomination. It works great and has had no issues. I have Mint on it and plan on finding a SFF graphics card to let it do some more-intensive gaming.
Dell, Dell Pro, Dell Max hmmmm sounds familiar... what about M ;)
and why Dell thinks that this is news?
Personally I was buying just Dell or HP or Lenovo
Commercially I never understood why dell had the Insperon [for home user], the Latitude and Vostro [for business and the XPs [an over spec Insperon for gamers] and Dell chromebooks, or why they need so many variants for the business range [there was 9 for mine]. A simple base model, intermediate model and a flash model with fixed spec's is all they really need, lets face it a company buying 50+ laptops won't be purchased by a technation, they will be purchased by a buyer working under instructions from an accountant to get the cheapest, no business user needs the choice of 7 different CPU's, 2 types of ram, multiple choices of the amount of ram & Etc. they only want something to do a job at a price they can afford.
Me I own 2 Dell Latitudes an E6530 and a E6410 both around 2013 time frame bought them as refurbished, both have been really good laptops over the years cannot complain - I pretty much use the E6530 exclusively since I upgraded the processor to a quad core and upgraded to 16GBs of ram and a new 256 GB SSD drive so it runs pretty fast now

Like everything else it changes sometimes for the good and sometimes not - I guess time will tell if this change will work out
12 years is considered pretty good, so that's not terrible. HDDs are expected to last like 5 years before they die. We regularly exceed the numbers but that's getting more than we "should" expect.

That said, the refurb I bought a while back was a SFF Dell of some denomination. It works great and has had no issues. I have Mint on it and plan on finding a SFF graphics card to let it do some more-intensive gaming.
I have to confess I did change out the HDD for SDD and that sped it up and lasted longer. When my Grand daughter got a newer unit she donated it to a charity that refurbished them and gives them to kids. So may still be being use who knows.
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I never knew what those model names meant. I only look at spec sheets and prices. I don't care if it's called Gold, Pro, Platinum, or whatever. I care about brands, because I trust Dell because their build quality is good and I'm sure there's better QC because every Dell I come across, be it mine or someone else's, has serious mileage. I'm coming on 9 years with this Inspiron. Only things I did were buy 2x4GB RAM to replace the 1x4GB RAM (I don't "mix stix") and swap the HDD for an old SSD.

That said, I do take this as troubling news because this is clearly a marketing decision which implies an increase in average prices. That -- and to be really childish -- I absolutely hate naming schemes that have "Max" or "Pro" slapped onto the end of "Max" or "Pro".
Just now it's gonna be Pro Max [Gold | Platinum], then Pro Max Platinum Ultra, then Pro Max Ultra X (because brands love their X-names).
charity that reburbs them and gives them to kids.

There's nothing like that up my way, at least not that I know of. I usually skip the middleman and find someone who can use the hardware I no longer use.

But, if you don't mind, what is the name of the shop? I'll be upgrading soon and may have enough stuff to make the trip down south worth it.
There's nothing like that up my way, at least not that I know of. I usually skip the middleman and find someone who can use the hardware I no longer use.

But, if you don't mind, what is the name of the shop? I'll be upgrading soon and may have enough stuff to make the trip down south worth it.
I will have to check with my grand daughter and get back to you. I did not do it personally.
There's nothing like that up my way, at least not that I know of. I usually skip the middleman and find someone who can use the hardware I no longer use.

But, if you don't mind, what is the name of the shop? I'll be upgrading soon and may have enough stuff to make the trip down south worth it.
This is where she sent it.
Don't forget the Dell Precision laptops. That always struck me as an odd idea - if I need a heavy duty workstation, I'm probably not looking for a laptop.

Currently, the only Dell laptop I have on hand is a 2009 vintage Vostro 2510. I'm not looking to buy a laptop any time soon and I probably wouldn't be looking at a Dell anyway.
"...Monty Python's Flying Circus!"
In that case should it not be, "And now for something completely different".........."Its"
But why be picky?

Oh, I was just having fun with an almost neighbor. (Check their edit. It's also "it's" in the headline. LOL)

I do get unreasonably annoyed with 'noone', 'alot' and 'aswell'.
[TIC def="(1)"]
Might I suggest a new construct: it*s for those who want to let the reader figure it out on their own. It could, in infamy, join up with theiy're (for which I cannot take credit).

If we also allow t*o we could establish world wide peace.

Question for those with beards even grayer than mine: Is there (without getting into regular expressions) a happy medium between * and ? that allows for just zero or one of any character? I'd be ok with REs for myself but could you imagine the grammar police trying to morph into the "regular expression police"? And I'll bet the spell checker for that would be an interesting peice of code, too - the quoting and escaping would be worthy of a PHD thesis.

(1) "tongue in cheek"

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