Debian install screw up


New Member
Aug 7, 2024
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23 here...made a mess while installing debian from usb flash drive...password does not work to now I am stuck username at top of login page is not what i thought I set...any help greatly appreciated..


You will reset the root password and you will be fine

Hi...thanks for reply...choices ar defaultxsession or xfce session....neither works
You will reset the root password and you will be fine

Hi..thanks for step 4 I do not see as in instructions, permission rw,realtime?
Hi...thanks for reply...choices ar defaultxsession or xfce session....neither works
Is there nowhere X11 and Wayland drop down box? it must be somewhere on login screen.

If not, try defaultxsession.
The point is that login might not work with Wayland.

Did you forget your password or are you sure you know it?
try root for user + the password you set up here...made a mess while installing debian from usb flash drive...password does not work to now I am stuck username at top of login page is not what i thought I set...any help greatly appreciated..

why not just wipe it out and do it right without the screw up this time?
APTI beat me to it, that's what I was gonna suggest. Much easier and 100% to work.
sorry, I didn't mean to be in your head that way. But yeah if it is a fresh install and screwed up, why spend so much time to fix when reinstall without Screw up is faster and easier. K.I.S.S.
This has happened to the best of us at one time or another.

--*This time, if you decide to perform a fresh installation @Paragonrla grab a piece of paper or a notebook and write down your password. Make a not on your phone, something so this doesn't happen again.--*:)

Trusting some things in life to memory are not recommended.
sorry, I didn't mean to be in your head that way
You did nothing wrong, don't worry. :) Great minds think alike. :P :P

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