This is an age old problem, it's been around long before Linux and computers. Probably thousands of years.
But since this is a Linux forum.. I'll try to limit the scope of this.
I am reminded about an old castle back in medievel times. It was too much trouble to shut and lock the gate every night..
so guess what?
It's the same with Linux, it's a lot easier to do things like turn off appArmor or SELinux.
Sometimes it's easier to give all your user's root privileges (sudo) or just chmod everything to 777.
I've seen systems with password taped to the monitor, or better yet, no password at all. Just press [Enter] and you're in. Just change your sudoers file to ALL=ALL NOPASSWD, then I don't even need to type a passwd to run root commands. It's convenient to use Rufus in iso mode, that way you can add or remove files at your convenience. The down side is... people can add or change files on your USB without you knowing it. Sometimes it's easier to give a shell script or php code root prilieges as well. It's too much trouble to navigate all the users and permission dependencies to make my website work right?
Who needs a firewall?
Now of course these are just a few examples. There are dozens more you can think of.. (Please add them, if you feel it's appropriate). But I'm curious... how many of you like to take security short-cuts because of convenience? Be honest
Don't post anything here, that will compromise your systems, but what do you do... to make working on your computer "more convenient"?
But since this is a Linux forum.. I'll try to limit the scope of this.
I am reminded about an old castle back in medievel times. It was too much trouble to shut and lock the gate every night..
so guess what?
It's the same with Linux, it's a lot easier to do things like turn off appArmor or SELinux.
Sometimes it's easier to give all your user's root privileges (sudo) or just chmod everything to 777.
I've seen systems with password taped to the monitor, or better yet, no password at all. Just press [Enter] and you're in. Just change your sudoers file to ALL=ALL NOPASSWD, then I don't even need to type a passwd to run root commands. It's convenient to use Rufus in iso mode, that way you can add or remove files at your convenience. The down side is... people can add or change files on your USB without you knowing it. Sometimes it's easier to give a shell script or php code root prilieges as well. It's too much trouble to navigate all the users and permission dependencies to make my website work right?
Who needs a firewall?
Now of course these are just a few examples. There are dozens more you can think of.. (Please add them, if you feel it's appropriate). But I'm curious... how many of you like to take security short-cuts because of convenience? Be honest
Don't post anything here, that will compromise your systems, but what do you do... to make working on your computer "more convenient"?
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