I'm using bitwarden Firefox extension on my desktop, then the bitwarden app on my iPhone.
I think I would be safe in saying that BitWarden would be the most trusted password manager in use today.
I exhaustively went through every password I have (there are a lot !!) and used the Vault to access and open every password and the used the "check if password has been exposed" feature to check every single password.
I was more than surprised to learn that a significant number had been exposed.
So I then set about the laborious task of changing and updating every password I have.
I made sure that every password is a minimum of 16 characters long containing upper and lower case numerals and symbols etc etc
It is an easy task.......just boring. But once done, I am now secure as can be for the foreseeable future.
When I had finished, I used BitWarden to Save a .csv file and then saved that to a separate drive, and also printed it and I store that in a safe.
BitWarden WILL NOT have access to my data. If they did I would not use it.
Most important is your Master password. You MUST remember it. If you forget it you are in deep doo doo.
I use an event in my life which I will never forget. I then use the second letter from each word that describes that event, followed by a symbol (underscore, or hash....whatever you like) and then a number which is important to me but is not related to my own circumstances. The entire master password is 18 digits , letters etc etc long. .....and yet is easy to remember....for me.
I could gasbag on all day about it....but in the end, it is you who has to bite the bullet and install and set it up.
if you run into problems, just call out.