So for one of my classes we program a HCS12 processor and use Code Warrior to do this. Is there anyway to get Code Warrior on linux? I would need it to write the programs and execute them. I most likely would not be implementing them on my home computer so it doesn't necessarily have to be able to program the processor itself.
I tried to use Wine to run Code Warrior and it didn't work. I also believe you can buy it for Linux? I'm too poor for that.
If there isn't a way to get Code Warrior, is there a alternative program that will do the same? As mentioned before, I would mainly use it to write and execute the programs (debugging and compiling) it doesn't necessarily have to be able to program the processor. The alternative would need to be able to program multiple languages as well. (Assembly and C are the main ones I believe)
I tried to use Wine to run Code Warrior and it didn't work. I also believe you can buy it for Linux? I'm too poor for that.
If there isn't a way to get Code Warrior, is there a alternative program that will do the same? As mentioned before, I would mainly use it to write and execute the programs (debugging and compiling) it doesn't necessarily have to be able to program the processor. The alternative would need to be able to program multiple languages as well. (Assembly and C are the main ones I believe)