@Egzoset In another thread, you said:
It doesn't always work - and I think we have a couple of different "clipboards" in play...
if I highlight text with the mouse in a terminal window, I can paste it into the same or a different terminal window with shift-insert (or with a middle click of the mouse), but not (or at least not always), for instance, into a graphical window. Using shift-insert in the URL bar of firefox pastes in the last thing I copied with ctrl-c, not the last thing I highlighted in a terminal window while using shift insert in a terminal window pastes in the last thing I highlighted in a terminal window.
Highlighting text in a graphical window (like a browser) apparently does not automatically copy it to any clipboard. Ctrl-v seems to have no effect in a terminal window.
FWIW, I'm using aterm 1.00.01 for terminal windows and firefoc 123.0 for browser.
The copy/paste oddities are particularly annoying for me because the text editor I use has a "console" mode (runs in the console or in a terminal window) -and- a native GUI mode (runs in it's own window) and pasting behaves differently between the two (in addition to the editor's own emacs-like ctrl-w/ctrl-y functionality)
I guess that's all not really phrased as a General Linux "Question", but any authoritative explanation would be welcome.
I use [Shift] +[Insert ] all the time, though, TBH, I don't remember using it in DOS.The one annoying thing that feels most bugging for an old DOS user painfully converted to Windows (sort of late) resides in combinations keys or shortcuts like [ Shift ] + [ Insert ] (to paste) being replaced by [ Ctrl ] + [ v ], etc.
It doesn't always work - and I think we have a couple of different "clipboards" in play...
if I highlight text with the mouse in a terminal window, I can paste it into the same or a different terminal window with shift-insert (or with a middle click of the mouse), but not (or at least not always), for instance, into a graphical window. Using shift-insert in the URL bar of firefox pastes in the last thing I copied with ctrl-c, not the last thing I highlighted in a terminal window while using shift insert in a terminal window pastes in the last thing I highlighted in a terminal window.
Highlighting text in a graphical window (like a browser) apparently does not automatically copy it to any clipboard. Ctrl-v seems to have no effect in a terminal window.
FWIW, I'm using aterm 1.00.01 for terminal windows and firefoc 123.0 for browser.
The copy/paste oddities are particularly annoying for me because the text editor I use has a "console" mode (runs in the console or in a terminal window) -and- a native GUI mode (runs in it's own window) and pasting behaves differently between the two (in addition to the editor's own emacs-like ctrl-w/ctrl-y functionality)
I guess that's all not really phrased as a General Linux "Question", but any authoritative explanation would be welcome.