sudo apt-get -y install caja nautilus thunar
Sure you can, but there's no need for that. The most of the file managers (including Nemo and my favorite: PCManFM) support tabs. So you can use the file manager exactly like your web browser - one window, infinite number of tabs. Simply middle click (scroll button) on the directory you wanna open in a new tab. Using the same method (middle click on the tab name) you close each tab.Hello guys and thank you all for your replays, I was just wonder if there was any possibility to run two different file managers on the same install.
If by "two different file managers" you mean one PCManFM, one Nemo and one Caja (for instance) - ofc you can. The file manager is nothing but a program, so you can install and use as many as you like - all run simultaneously. But only one file manager can be set as default manager.
There's only one way to find out - go to system settings and find something that's called "Default programs". In my language it's called "preferred programs". Open it and for "Files" choose the manager you want. Then logout and run the other DE. Open "Default programs" and see what FM is set there. If it's the one you already chose in the previous DE, then the answer to your question is "no". If the selection is empty (no FM name), then the answer is "yes".Ok ! Look I download in my Mint Mate installation, i3 WM.
i3 is cooperating very well with tunar FM and u can have into i3 a really desktop manager.
Caja is not doing that.
So my original question is if I can use tunar once I logging into my i3 by default and use caja once I logging into my normal DE by default.
I have a question. My default file manager for LM Mate is "nemo". When I ran my LM Mate with i3 wm, nemo file manager is not cooperating.
Is there any way to change file manager only when I ran i3 wm? Or I should completed change it?
..once I logging into my normal DE by default.
When you get to your Mint login screen, are you able to choose between logging into the default MATE, and/or one or more other choices, if so which?
There's only one way to find out - go to system settings and find something that's called "Default programs". In my language it's called "preferred programs". Open it and for "Files" choose the manager you want. Then logout and run the other DE. Open "Default programs" and see what FM is set there. If it's the one you already chose in the previous DE, then the answer to your question is "no". If the selection is empty (no FM name), then the answer is "yes".
I'm 90% sure you'll be able to set a different FM for the given DE. The reason for that are my recent VM experiments with different distros and DEs. During one of these experiments I saw a message saying that if I choose another configuration of the DE, I will lose all the changes I have made to the current one. Considering "Preferred programs" comes with the DE, it makes sense for it to be independently configurable for each of the installed DEs.So if I add another FM, I will likely get the choice.
Others have already answered you but I'll drop my nickle anyway.Hello guys!!! Long time no see each other. I currently study for my MSc and no time for Linux.
I have a question. My default file manager for LM Mate is "nemo". When I ran my LM Mate with i3 wm, nemo file manager is not cooperating.
Is there any way to change file manager only when I ran i3 wm? Or I should completed change it?