Can't ssh into Fedora 36 Workstation from root


New Member
Nov 8, 2022
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This was running fine. I have a Fedora 36 workstation that runs kvm. I connect to this workstation via root and this was working fine.

I had a power failure and now when I want to connect via ssh (i.e. ssh root@<IP address> I get a 'Permission denied, please try again error'. Not sure this is coincidence...

I know the root password is correct as I can logon using root via the server console.

I can also successfully connect to the F36 workstation via ssh using another account so 'sshd' must be running.

What could be the issue here? Note: I need this root access as I'm using kvm under the root account (this is all on a local network so I'm not concerned that I'm not using best practice here

Fedora disables this by default now in 36 and newer.

Edit your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.
Find the Line that starts with #PermitRootLogin
Uncomment it and change it to.
PermitRootLogin yes (delete the rest of the line)
Then you need to enable and start sshd

systemctl enable sshd
systemctl start sshd
Last edited:
Fedora disables this by default now in 36 and newer.

Edit your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.
Find the Line that starts with #PermitRootLogin
Uncomment it and change it to.
PermitRootLogin yes (delete the rest of the line)
The you need to enable and start sshd

systemctl enable sshd
systemctl start sshd
Thanks for that. It worked :)

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