"Can you hear me now?"



I'm playing with computer programming since the late 1970s, when I began writing in Assembler an alternative Monitor (today called OS) for a Z80 computer, then for a self-made m86m dual-processor computer.

[Some years missing.]

Today I earn my living in AV preservation, handling huge amount of data. And in my spare time I do reverse engineering and programming of codecs, and emulation of old proprietary software in open and modern environments. Yet I'm still an old fashioned Bash, Perl and C nerd. C is definitively my favourite programming language so far. Sorry for that!

Nice, an old school computer geek!
Sorry for preferring C? Don't see any reason for that... better than C only some C superset like C++/C#.
I prefer C over C++ because, in my opinion, you can write and maintain portable software quicker.
Really true, but for large projects OOP and a framework can help a lot.

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