Can not turn on/off the power on Wi-Fi.



I received following inconvenience. I use netbook Asus Eee PC 1015BX. Once Linux Mint 13 stood at netbook. I now installed Linux Mint 17. In version 17 i can`t turn on/off the power on Wi-Fi with keys "Fn+WiFi". If turn on power Wi-Fi in BIOS, Wi-Fi is working. Keys "Fn+WiFi" turns on/off wireless link only, that do not saves battery power.
I installed Fedora 20 and Mageia 4.1 also. They have the same problem. In older Linux distributions it worked.
How to solve it?

Am sorry for my fine english :(

One thing to try would be to reset the keyboard-configuration:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration

Another would be to look at the Language support and make sure that everything is correct. There should be a setting called Keyboard Input Method System that you may want to look at.

Are you still able to turn off the wifi with the network manager?

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