Solved Can I get some assistance with a BIOS update on HP ProBook

Solved issue
late to this issue but have to ask. Why are you updating the BIOS? was something wrong? a feature you needed? or is it just updating because it is there? I recommend not updating a BIOS unless there is a need. As you can see, the practice can be difficult and it is also dangerous. Anything that goes wrong turns you favorite computer into a door stop. Updating a BIOS should be treated like cardiac surgery. You wouldn't have that surgery unless you really needed it, not because it sounded cool and was available.
Do BIOS updates intelligently and sparingly.

Yah, absolutely. I have to agree with @APTI on this one.

A BIOS update is NOT something you perform every time a new version is released. It's not like a regular piece of software where you WANT newer features/patches/bugfixes just for the sake of it, simply because they're available. This item is like the nervous system of your computer; if it's communicating correctly with everything in the pre-boot environment, then leave it the hell alone.

If it weren't for the need to add dual-core support to my ancient, now-deceased Compaq desktop, I would never have bothered with upgrading the BIOS for it nearly 9 years ago. (In the early days of multi-core CPUs, AMD's Athlon64 was one of the very few where the same socket supported single and/or dual-core processors.....although the latter did need an updated BIOS to let the dual-core CPU perform correctly.

I've only performed this operation twice in well over 25 years at this game. I'm a big believer in leaving stuff alone if it works.

Mike. ;)
I will point out that you should read the release notes. Sometimes the BIOS updates contain security fixes.

I consider those generally important enough to install.
I will point out that you should read the release notes. Sometimes the BIOS updates contain security fixes.

I consider those generally important enough to install.
depends on the fix. I wouldn't be worried about the fix if it was something that the person had to be there in person to use. I would notice and shoot the stranger
depends on the fix. I wouldn't be worried about the fix if it was something that the person had to be there in person to use. I would notice and shoot the stranger

Yeah, I don't worry about those sort of exploits. I might patch 'em just because I can, but they're not a pressing concern for me.

I don't even care if they have to be on my local network. I'm gonna notice you sitting in the driveway and my nearest neighbor is so far away that some folks wouldn't call us neighbors.

I live here on purpose, of course. It has some downsides, like losing my internet regularly. I'm not going to run out of power, but everything else does. Our mains electricity is not even a tiny bit reliable.

I'm going to get 14 to 18" of snow tonight/tomorrow. There's a good chance that I lose mains power and the tower goes down. Satellite will not work during the storm and is still not fixed and I'm too lazy/old to go climbing ladders.
James' @Fanboi 's #16 on page 1 looks right on the money, to me.

There is a video here, which albeit dealing with Windows, makes me think the Linux version should perform in a similar fashion?
Guess what fellas????? Victory is mine, victory is mine, victory today is mineeeeee!!!!!!!!!! Finally had success guys. Got the BIOS updated. I would of never even known that I need one if it wasn't for Brickwizard, so thanks my friend. And also to KGIII, man you really had me thinking about putting the update in the root directory. But you was virtually correct, I had to put it in the root directory that was a sub directory of the media directory for the usb. That was the only way I was able to succeed. But thanks to everyone for there advice..........
Has it solved the original problem?
I had to put it in the root directory that was a sub directory of the media directory for the usb.

That's rather unusual but glad you got it sorted.
That's rather unusual but glad you got it sorted.
Yeah so I found that unusual also. I actually, again. stumbled across that. I just so happened to enter the media directory and there was a root directory inside it. So I plugged in the usb and went into that root directory with the update and repeated the instructions and bang!!!!! It started updating. Thanks to you shining the flashlight on it that I was able to see it.
Has it solved the original problem?
So far so good big brother. Its running a lot smoother and hasn't froze at all. There are several other updates but concerning things that I don't need, like fingerprint scan and things like that, which I'm not messing with. Everything is running great thus far. Thanks big round!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Normally I don't recommend doing a BIOS update as they can cause more problems than they solve, but in your case it was the lead suggestion in the HP repair manual for your machine.
Yeah it was a challenge, for me anyhow. I'm not as experienced you know. But the reward of success is enormous. Only took me about 4 days to wrap it up. It only took about 2 minutes to update. So I was 68IRR Ver.F.41 now its 68IRR Ver.F.01
You know I have more fun and spend more time on this laptop then I do on that brand new one I got.
Just for the record one more time, this device is still running optimally and still hasn't froze at all. So it appears that the BIOS update did some good. All hail Linux!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Linux for life!!!!!!!!!!