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I wan to build the leaking Windows 2003 sources on linux.So,this may infringe copyright,but I wan to do it.It is very cool~
I test to run the "timebuild.pl" on the prel,obvious,it's failure.But I think,maybe we can build it with "winelib",Windows 2003 used the old library,winelib most likely can fully compatible them.
For the compilation process, I refer to this video https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1854y117NG .
Anyone want to join me?
For most words, I use a translator for almost all of them, but if you can read Chinese, you can see a clearer version of the meaning below.
我想在Linux编译Windows 2003泄漏的源代码,这可能会侵犯版权,但是它太酷了。
我测试运行"timebuild.pl",显然,这失败了但我想,也许我可以借助"winelib"编译它,Windows 2003使用非常老的库,大概率winelib可以全部支持
I test to run the "timebuild.pl" on the prel,obvious,it's failure.But I think,maybe we can build it with "winelib",Windows 2003 used the old library,winelib most likely can fully compatible them.
For the compilation process, I refer to this video https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1854y117NG .
Anyone want to join me?
For most words, I use a translator for almost all of them, but if you can read Chinese, you can see a clearer version of the meaning below.
我想在Linux编译Windows 2003泄漏的源代码,这可能会侵犯版权,但是它太酷了。
我测试运行"timebuild.pl",显然,这失败了但我想,也许我可以借助"winelib"编译它,Windows 2003使用非常老的库,大概率winelib可以全部支持