back button doesn't work


Jul 12, 2021
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For the last couple of days the back button while in LibreOffice sporadically stops working. It works until it doesn't. Rebooting didn't help. It functions in a browser and here. It's almost as if it just gets tired. It wasn't functioning yesterday afternoon after working in LibreOffice most of the day but this morning it is.
And if I'm permitted more than one issue (please tell if not and I'll start a new thread) does anyone know how to bring back the 99.9% of special characters I lost after downloading a couple of months ago the 7.2 version of LibreOffice?
Thank you,

The current version of Libre Office is 7.3.

If you are running 7.2 there might be a bug that's causing the back button to fail.

What Linux distribution are you running?
The current version of Libre Office is 7.3.

If you are running 7.2 there might be a bug that's causing the back button to fail.

What Linux distribution are you running?
Mint. Now that you mention it, it does sound like a bug. Thanks. And maybe I'll get the special characters back!
Might that bug also be responsible for the inability to click on a certain website feature I could before this glitch? (I'm unable to open a lightbox on a site to request permission to use a photo but nothing happens when I click the button, something I had no trouble doing last week.)
Mint. Now that you mention it, it does sound like a bug. Thanks. And maybe I'll get the special characters back!
Might that bug also be responsible for the inability to click on a certain website feature I could before this glitch? (I'm unable to open a lightbox on a site to request permission to use a photo but nothing happens when I click the button, something I had no trouble doing last week.)
Yeah, sounds buggy to me.

What version of Mint? 20.3? Cinnamon?
I've forgotten where to check for it but I think its 20.3 (it was updated late last summer) and the "about' says main cinnamon menu
Is it only libreoffice or am in need of a new version of linux?
G'day, if you go to Start Menu and start to type in Welcome and click on it, bottom right-corner of the popup window will reveal version number.

If you are northern hemisphere and and Summer is June through August, then it is likely Linux Mint 20.2 'Una'.

Is it a silly question to ask whether you had/have Timeshift enabled and a snapshot taken that pre-dates

something I had no trouble doing last week.)


Chris Turner
G'day, if you go to Start Menu and start to type in Welcome and click on it, bottom right-corner of the popup window will reveal version number.

If you are northern hemisphere and and Summer is June through August, then it is likely Linux Mint 20.2 'Una'.

Is it a silly question to ask whether you had/have Timeshift enabled and a snapshot taken that pre-dates


Chris Turner
sorry, I was referring to being able to access the lightbox feature just last week and now I am unable to open it. Yes, I do have Timeshift and enabled it when I started having the back button issue as I was worried about my computer.
Sorry, the lightbox isn't anything to be fixed. It's something on a website for people requesting the use of a photograph - IPM images in my case. It's like a shopping cart for photos. I added it here only because it was another anomaly with my computer that I happened to notice.
You should enable backups before you have trouble, for the record.

I'm a bit confused. Ignoring the website's lightbox features, what sort of back button are we talking about? Is this a mouse button? If so, try another mouse with the same features. Mice die. It's what they do.
If this were my machine I would launch Timeshift and take a snapshot of your system.
Back up everything to an external drive if you have one.

And than upgrade to Linux Mint 20.3.
You should enable backups before you have trouble, for the record.

I'm a bit confused. Ignoring the website's lightbox features, what sort of back button are we talking about? Is this a mouse button? If so, try another mouse with the same features. Mice die. It's what they do.
The back button isn't working for OP in Libre Office.
You should enable backups before you have trouble, for the record.

I'm a bit confused. Ignoring the website's lightbox features, what sort of back button are we talking about? Is this a mouse button? If so, try another mouse with the same features. Mice die. It's what they do.
Not the mouse; the back button on keyboard
I understand that I need to reinstall libreoffice. Do I also need to reinstall the linux system?
I understand that I need to reinstall libreoffice. Do I also need to reinstall the linux system?
No you shouldn't have to reinstall the linux system.

What version of Libre Office do you have in Synaptic?
How old is your keyboard?
No you shouldn't have to reinstall the linux system.

What version of Libre Office do you have in Synaptic?
How old is your keyboard?
LibreOffice is 7.2 and just recently updated. I don't know what you mean by Synaptic. laptop is maybe six years old, an acer.
LibreOffice is 7.2 and just recently updated. I don't know what you mean by Synaptic. laptop is maybe six years old, an acer.
See if there is a newer version of Libre Office is in your Software Manager.

If you still have trouble with the back button on your keyboard use Timeshift to create a snapshot of your system and upgrade to Linux Mint 20.3 and see if that helps.
