Artix Linux good to use?


Active Member
Mar 18, 2024
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I need to reinstall my OS anyways. I am recently noticing how bad Systemd performs. I mean okay, it's great, at least I am getting Linux instead of Windows, but the fact that there are better options makes me wanna try them. So I heard about Artix Linux, which is based on Arch but it uses different init systems (based on which one you pick). So you expect me to mostly have no problems? What about Arch packages that do something with systemd? And AUR packages which need systemd would definitely break right?

I forgot how much the performance difference was, but I am pretty sure other init systems run really fast actually, that is why I am trying to shift over.

Also I have never actually use other init systems in detail. So how's the reliability versus doing systemctl start x.service? And which init system should I pick for Artix if you would recommend?

If you have low/old hardware SystemV will be fine for you but if you have newer hardware you will be better off with SystemD.
Also I have never actually use other init systems in detail. So how's the reliability versus doing systemctl start x.service?
There's standardization in SystemD of how to do things which isn't in SystemV, for example with SystemV startup of services is done by starting init scripts in order one at a time which are writen in bash. With systemV you would generally use either "/etc/init.d/service-name start/stop" or "service service-name start/stop". Depending on the service you are starting it may take more or less time to start.

And which init system should I pick for Artix if you would recommend?
I think you are curenlty using Debian if I remember correctly, then go with AntiX because it's based on Debian.
No I am actually on Arch. Maybe shouldn't have named my username with Debian.
Last time I read one of your topics you were on Debian, then yes Artix would be a more logical choice since you are running Arch now.
And you didn't mention the other init systems. (You run Arch and you didn't check the Archwiki?! ;) ).
And also -> (Select "Init software" in the drop-down menu).
Last edited:
Question: what non-systemd init I should try?
Answer: systemd

Why oh why systemd needs extra advertisement if it is so good?
Maybe bacause this is first and only init that can delete user's home directory?
Crazy, no ;)

I used Artix (I used Arch long before systemd was introduced so when I wanted to try Arch again Artix was a natural choice).
I used only one i it: openrc. Very easy to administer. Since dinit joined but I don't have any expwrience with it. O ly shortly used S6 and it is good too.
I read somewhere a while ago (so I can't reference it) that runit is very good. I've only used sysvinit (with Mint, until Ubuntu went systemd, then on Devuan) so I can't say one way or the other. But I've been thinking about testing Artix myself, and runit would be the first init I would try out.

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