Anyone you know....


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2021
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Quicker than roto-tilling!
As a matter of fact, I did know a man like that.
He owned a golf course and used to us gasoline to burn up the brush piles.
Many times he came away with no eyebrows and less hair on top of his head.
Darwin's Law!
I'll be the odd-man out. I love a good explosion! They now have an excuse to level and sod their lawn, which doesn't even look all that large.

I think it was awesome (stupid - but awesome) - minus one thing. They should have taken the dog in the house. Doing it with the dog right there was just bad form.

I've seen another one of these where it also did things like blow out the windows from the house.

Anyhow, that's exactly the kinda person I like to visit every now and again just to see what they've done lately. I might even hold a camera to take pictures of them dealing with bees. Odds are good that I'll also bring a 12 pack of beer with me when I go visit them.


One 'buddy' had this giant chunk of Kevlar. It was a good foot squared and at least an inch deep. So, nothing bad was likely to happen when my other 'buddy' shot the first one who'd taped the Kevlar to his chest. They were only using a .22LR, so they were going to be just fine unless they missed. They eliminated the missing part by standing just a few feet away.

I had a merry laugh. It didn't even bruise the dude with the Kevlar taped to his chest. He said it was like getting punched in the chest by a pretty big dude, but it wasn't bruised or anything. He said it hurt a bit, but we didn't see any bruising or even swelling.

I didn't participate in any way, unless you count telling them that they should go through with it and laughing so hard that I almost peed myself. I considered it cheap entertainment, as I'd only invested a 12 pack or so.

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