Any Artix Linux users here?


Active Member
Dec 24, 2023
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As the subject title states, are there any Artix Linux users here on the forums? I've been thinking about testing it out and am wondering if I could get any help here if I need it.

One question I guess I could ask now is this: I use a second hard drive for my personal files. Is the procedure to have it always be mounted the same as what I use for Debian based Linuxes? This is what I do:

In terminal enter:
1) sudo mkdir /mnt/mountOLD
2) sudo chown $USER:$USER /mnt/mountOLD
Then in fstab I add the UUID number followed by: /mnt/mountOLD ext4 defaults,noatime 0 2

It's based on Arch, and we have a few arch aficionados who will probably help
I used Artix some time ago and it is really nice. I think that it should automatically revognize both hard disks during the installation so you don't need to edit fstab. However I had single disk with Artix so I may be wrong.
Personally I am quite surprised that the installer may not see two disk during the installation. When I had similar setup Linux always recognized both and fstab did not require any additional editing. I guess it depends on the hardware.

Anyway good luck with Artix.

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